There HAS to be decay system above 2700 rating

i find wow not having a decay system pretty silly.

people camping at 3.3+ past 2 months is totally stupid. blizzard has to force their players to play in arena rather than camping mid to end of season to get titles.

having the decay system forces everyone to play arena more, which is healthier for the queue time for people queuing at high ratings rather than sitting 7min + queues just to face a 2.7 team when you’re like 3.2+ mmr.

blizzard, please make it that we have to play ATLEAST 3-5 games per 1/2 week to keep the leaderboard active, and not have the same people camping high ratings.


No decay, but Blizzard has reset all mmr above 2,8k to 2,8k (or 2,9k, something around this) which caused all players above that rating to stop queueing.

That means that everyone at 3,1k cr can forget getting r1 this season.

so you think it’s ok for people just to abuse fotm characters to get rank 1 while op, then class is nerfed and remain at that rating for 2 months?

i played overwatch, when blizzard made the decay system there, everyone was against it. when people tried it, it kept the leaderboards active and people play more which is better and healthier for the game.

results: more queues; more people playing; no more long queues

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No i don’t think it’s ok. What makes you think i do?

Blizzard is highly critizised for the mmr reset.

You seem to just be ignoring the fact mmr was screwed? They didnt screw up mmr when OW put decay in. 4.5k sr wasnt suddenly diamond mmr…

in overwatch, if ur 4.5 and decay, you still have the MMR. thus, you can climb up quick if u drop to 3k diamond. that’s not an issue, i decayed many times and always climbed back up really quick.

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I think youre misunderstanding. In OW midseason they didnt just add decay and drop every gm players mmr down to say diamond which is whats supposedly happened here

ik where you’re coming from, and i know the issue that happened in 8.1.

however, wow has always been like this where its same people camping at high rating. would be better if it was the way it is in overwatch. it will force people to play and stay active which is healthier for everyone

Guys, no point of comparing the 2 games or the systems they are using.

On topic - > I really like the idea of decaying CR if not playing. Even if they did the change with the MMR, this would still force players to play, so you still have some chance of getting R1 end of the season. For me it would be good ,cuz i hit 2.4 k end of december. After that i started experimenting new combs etc simply cuz i did not find any motivation too aim for R1 with the MMR changes as well.

i don’t see this NOT working, this will help the leaderboards 110%.

this has to be added imho, i know a lot of top players asking for it aswell.

I don’t see why this is needed. All that needs to happen is not ****ing up the MMR system mid-season.

The only game (that I know of) that has this implemented is Overwatch - and Overwatch is not a good PvP game compared to other ones out there.

Why would you actively punish someone by reducing their rating if they don’t play instead of making it so others will simply outrank them by the end of the season by artificially increasing rating of those who do play?

PS: This is what WoW has done since S14. Artificially rating creep to prevent rating sitting.


Its not fair, what if he has to quit for real life issue? Once he earned it, he earned it.

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