There is no war in Ba Sing Se

i assumed lintian’s ff-posting to be in similar vein to the avatar posting, but i haven’t played ff so i wouldn’t know for sure

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Most recent plot leaks suggest that the negotiations between Earth and Fire Nation may infact happen on one of Fire Nation’s puppet states’ soil.

I’m pretty sure, but there is already enough FF talk on our realm forum, so even when said in jest it causes people to groan.

Yes, I don’t even understand if these FF references are cities, characters or nations.

Did anyone know that in the upcoming sequel it will be revealed that Fire Lord Ozai has published an article about “the historical unity of Fire Nation and Earth Nation”?

About an year before his planned invasion. I still have to read it though. Will it help us understand this villain’s mind? Who knows.

I haven’t but, while true that those nations were allies in the prequels and share (or used to) a lot culturally, the years of propaganda have done a lot to erode all of that. What follows is a whole lot of retcons and lies.


It is the literal exact same as the Avatarposting yeah, not sure why people are kneejerking about it


We all know why Tehya, but it’s always amusing seeing kneejerk reactions to it anyway.

I don’t know enough about avatar to join the actual avatar posting, but I wish more would be done against the fire nation than just talks.


The fire nation seem to be having a harder time than they bargained for.



I’ve always considered myself a member of the water tribe, but have very close friends from the other nations, specially the fire and earth ones!
With the last news released on this long expected Avatar sequel, and having friends that are gonna take part in it from the earth nation, I must say I am on the brink of tears… may go back home to my water tribe in the water tribe union (which lies not far from earth lands) to help out those escaping the flames of Lord Ozai…

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You sir, just hit my soft spot :persevere:

Fire Federation spokesperson threatened military and political consequences, should certain northern tribes seek entry into the Water Tribe Union.

They’ve really gone off the deep end.


The context says otherwise.

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Context I evidently missed, I thought it was just general FF-posting. My mistake, and apologies.

Also wish I knew a bit more about Avatar now!

The fact I only now realize what this whole conversation is about…. And here I was thinking it’s about the actual avatar. I don’t know wether to laugh at my small brain or to cry.

Maybe both.


Sadly blizz bans the actual topic really weirdly

Cause every voice doesn’t matter apprently.


The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai.

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There’s no war in Ba sing Se.


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*Behind the walls of Ba Sing Se, happy school children go out to play.

No toppled bikes, no infant riders in bags,
no orphanage hit, no crying mums and dads.

Carts are pulled safely down the roads,
metal beasts chug on past, no crushing under tracks to behold.

Balloons fly peacefully into the night sky,
people watch from below, their houses safe from on high.

Soldiers smile and wave,
their bodies whole, no need to be brave.

A world of joy and peace, a difference night and day.

Behind the walls of Ba Sing Se. *


ayayayaya bing bung