They finally admitted it

Oh no, what a cruel thing. LoL

just pointless and stupid


Well, back then the global society was different. Today we live in different times than back then.

I surely don’t want a racist touched WoW story :wink:

Yes. I hope they finally get rid of those heterosexual relationships in the game. I already have to see them every day in real life!

there is zero discussion about heterosexuality in the real world

But I want to escape the real world and no longer see them!

I actually think that murder, oppression and genocidal intentions are worse than racial prejudice, but I certainly do want them in my escapist fantasy game. Facing and overcoming such things is how you can play the hero. So I really don’t understand why I would find racial tensions uniquely abhorrent in a game. Especially if the tensions are between fantasy races.


Posting this comment on a Lightforged Draenei was intentional and a form of sarcasm?

Yeah, it feels kind of weird to draw the line there after being sold on enjoying wanton slaughter and war, in a game called world of WARcraft.



When you are refeering to Yrel going nuts, that is not racism, that is zealotism.

TBH, given the “importance” placed on soulbinding, I can’t think of any non same-sex pairs in Bastion. (depends on the details of how to evaluate the player soulbinds)

gl hf

Pretty sure you said you were quitting WoW and wouldn’t be posting on the forums once your sub ran out. Surely it’s ran out by now?

the dragon is doing a gender swap?
Niiiice :smirk: :smirk: :smirk: :smirk:
So he/she is banging males and females xexe lucky bastard.

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Well mamy fish and amphibians can easly swap their biological gender whenever they see fit. It’s easier for animals with no sexual dymorphism (male and females look the same) and dragons dont have it. Its simply case of switching gonads from making one type of cells and hormones to another.
Actually it would be very interesting to see an animal/creature with this trait and human level mind. See how they view themselves, their sexuality, and maybe how they view us :slight_smile:

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They’re trans, not gay. Not every trans person is gay.

So like, and be honest with me Blizzard

Is there like a market Illuminati that holds you at gun point or guarantees you with 99.999% accuracy that “if you pander to [blank] you’ll make big bucks”

and despite how bad it crashes with your players, you quintuple down on it because you believe their word or else

I say this because it’s not just you Blizzard, I saw it in Star Wars/Disney and other big markets where it’s costing them millions and makes fans hate them, but they still go all the way.


Entertainment copanies always stick to what’s popular atm in main stream media. For example I remember, back those few years ago, when main stream consensus was much more conservative and almost everything was being “white-washed” public opinion was shocked when BioWare didnt stick to the “rules” and released Mass Effect. Which not only had nudity and sexual content it also featured some same gender action!

Now that public opinion and main stream media in “western” culture became much more liberal entertainment industry had to adapt and switch to what sells in current times, no matter what few old fans say or cry about. Though I wonder what industry will do about China. On one hand they want to please liberal audience of western world yet at the same time profits in more conservative eastern culture are potentialy too big to ignore.
Also such often forced, fake liberalism in some productions (not WoW) can causes more harm than good, since it serves as fuel for all those conservative crusaders who want everything to stay as it was.

Speaking of Blizzard and WoW, even back than in conservative times there were few cases were they sneaked in some more liberal content. Same gender couple who shared a surname (even though they were of different races) and multiple cases of sisters/brothers in arms who were so attached to each other, one couldnt help but wonder if it’s hinting at something.
The recent changes like multiple racial choices for humans and few controversial characters they added in SL (leave my boy Pelagos alone!) are at least in my oponion good changes that actually enrich WarCraft universe. I’m a bit sad they didnt dare to add some back story to humans morphological diversity (if we were to ignore human enviromental adaptabilty, than why are there european-like and asian-like humans in WoW at all?), though I understand why they didnt. Again it’s the case of profits. It could too quickly become some sort of PR dissaster.

I honestly don’t see an issue with Chromie and I’m really critic of virtue signaling or when a character inclusive side gets the entirety of their personality and it’s shoveled in our face.

But Chromie’s case is far from that, it’s a dragon that chooses a mortal race form and as much as this is a wink to the trans audience it doesn’t force itself into the character.

Edit: I also hate Chromie with a passion because the narrative prefers her to do stuff instead of the actual (former) Aspect which is a far better character imo. So I’m far from being biased in her favor.


i still have no idea why chromie and gender politics is considered the biggest problem blizzard has done~…


Imagine being in the middle of the burning inferno of the current trash tier bad dbz episode of world of sylvanas and think the issue with the story is transgender dragons.


On the topic of Chromie…

It’s a dragon. Probably not even sexually attracted to humanoids (if she isn’t a freak like Kalec). For Chromie to choose a female humanoid form makes her about as much of a trans person as playing a female character in WoW would make me.