Thinking about returning and try out RP

Hey i played world of warcraft on and off for long time ! and when i saw Shadowlands i got me thinking i might want to come back again ! but it allways ends the same way i lvl upp do the content and do some heroic raiding for while then i get bored and take break. i tried everything in the game Beside RP. So i was thinking i might be missing piece in the puzzel. so my question is how do you start RPing ? what do i need to know ? what the basic ? and can you still find guild that raids (heroic lvl). so basicly what do i need to know if i deside to start this adventure ? im horde player, race Blood elf. class Hunter if that importent. Kind regards Deligosa

I’m no expert, but I would start by writing down for yourself the backstory of your character. Parents and family can be tricky - best to leave that vague - but what is your personality? what have you done? what do you want? all that. And no, being the all-powerful hero who Saved the Universe many times should not be part of that! :slight_smile:

Now, read a lot. Start here

but also the Argent Dawn forum generally

and the Argent Archives

Get a Role-Play addon that allows others to see the character you have written for yourself and look at what others have in their

Make a level 1 on AD, and just watch the interactions, and conversation and guild ads.

Check out guilds on the AD forums. Join any Discords that appeal to you.

There is a LFRP discord on Argent Dawn, tho it is alliance. You can fin it here:

I know there is one for horde as well, but right now I can’t find it :tired_face:
The RP on Argent Dawn is very alliance based, or more correct the population on the server is very heavily alliance sided.
You can find walk up RP on alliance, but on horde side i know the recommendation is to have a guild.
I wish you all the best in your travels, and hope you have some fun! :slight_smile:

I don’t have Horde on AD, but I do hear that although smaller, they are still sizeable, and the Horde there are very active and have a good community.

If you want to play Horde, I do believe that Horde RP is more guild-focused and less “public square” than Alliance. But ny all means check out Ally as well; if nothing else, some may also have Horde characters that could give you pointers.

Okey so start making a Backstory for my Char and log in watch other story for to get sense how to do it and inspiration. I heard that server Wyrmrest Accord is the Horde server verison of Agent Dawn but im not sure ? anything that rings a bell ?

Wyrmrest Accord is a Horde RP server in the US.

If you’re doing English-language RP in EU, you have only Argent Dawn. There are 5 small RP realms, connected into 2, but there is very little on them.

so on EU server you have like zero Servers that focus on Horde RP you have only have Agent Dawn that is really Alliance Heavy ?

Yes. But Horde is active.

any Guild you recommand to check out on the horde side ?

I have no recommendations.

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