This is a Forum Post

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Insists the cake is a lie, tells others to stop posting their cake propaganda when everybody knows that chocolate and orange flavoured mousse is the ultimate dessert.

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Do not talk of these around Soul :wink:

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I think I am okay, Soul seems to like Shrimp - or as we say in the UK - prawns :wink:


Waits until the topic is about to hit 30 days autolock and replies with something inane

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Someone just stole my bike, I think it was a multiboxer.

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Exclaims factually how all multiboxers are botters

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Ramdom, coming out of nowhere rant demanding to nerf demon hunters. Now!

I use those when I make my hot chocolate.

something something 2 buttons, Writing your post was more complexed than Demon Hunter rotation! *logs into BM hunter.

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Responds with outrage and demands a retraction, I use at least 4 buttons on my DH!!!

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Reminds that mounting button and button that opens bags are not usually counted.

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Is upset that a poster has caught me out in my response and pointed out the ruse I was hoping to get away with, demands a duel at dawn outside Orgrimmar to settle the issue.


You mean there is more than just one button ?


This is a troll reply. This reply is inflammatory, extraneous or upsetting.

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Queries if this poster even plays the game, she is definitely a human hunter, demands she checks her feet for back toe to validate trollness :wink:

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This is a response taking great offense!


The best defence is a good offence.

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Iā€™m going to ignore everything else said in this topic and state in no uncertain terms that this is NOT a forum post. you are completely wrong and I will give my reasons below.

  1. it is not a forum post
  2. cars are the best form of travel and you are crazy for suggesting otherwise.
  3. you posted this opinion in another topic and you were proved wrong then.

Everyone agrees with me. I polled 100 forum visitors last night and that is absolute proof.


Swaps char to low level horde warrior with hidden profile to make lots of false claims and makes lots of inane rants aimed at green text and anyone who listens.

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