This is a Forum Post

Have you even killed Mythic Nzoth? If not, why do you think you have a right to write about the game? You don’t even understand it.

Over the next few mins, Your armoury will be checked, If you pass my personal check, Everything you say will be deemed acceptable, If I feel like your achievement points don’t match my cut off point you will be shunned by myself.

Thread where a Blood Elf male Hunter will take someone to task in minute detail, using dictionary definitions and lore sources in order to utterly debunk other arguments, going as far as to quote everyone who has posted in the thread, and why he is right and they are wrong, and unable to use one word where ten will do, using Grandiloquent Verbiage and other such words so that no one can be in any reasonable doubt as to what a smart chap he is, and to disagree with him is surely arrant folly usually attributed to those who write mad poetry in their own bodily fluids on the wall of their asylum room.

I mean imagine how that conversation would go;
“Man, I argued with that Hunter last night on the forums”
“Really, were you mad, how did it go?”
“I still don’t know, I don’t understand what he was saying”
“Yeah, did he seem mad or anything?”
"I don’t know, he used lots of words, does that mean he was mad?
“Nah, that’s kind of his thing, just means he was being sarcastic”
“Yeah, and then he started narrating this fictional conversation to make my point look stupid”
“Oh Gods, really, that is a bad sign”
“Wow, why?”
“He went Satirical on you”
“Is that the same as Sarcasm?”
“Oh no, it’s much worse, much, much worse”

But be that as it may they will not flag your posts or ignore you and will insist that yes, this is a lot of words, but that doesn’t mean they are mad.

And another thing, back in my day…


I make this thread political for no reason.


Looks at the amount of replies when finding this thread and writes a reply without reading any of them, trying to write in the way no one notices.


Replies with a series of emojis indicated that I did not read the post due to its length. Emojis include roll_eyes and yawn, ending with clown_face to demonstrate my intellectual superiority.


This is a reply in total opposition of everything you’ve just said broken down into several quotes to further take every little thing out of context.

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This is a question why your text is green. Awaiting the link.

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Moo. Mooooo. Moooo. Moo. Mooooo. Mooo. Moo.



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What an outrageous claim!

Makes remarks of alternative motives behind certain color of text

Makes philosophical argument about semantics that have nothing to do with the original subject

Picks this word in all possible ways without maknig any actual point.

Quotes this part out of the context to desperately prove point that has nothing to do with what post itself talks

Forgot any point they had and accidentally contradicts themselves.

Finishes with a bad hidden insult.


The Tauren bias in this thread is just disgusting! It’s bad enough that everyone is playing Tauren in game, and now we get this pro-Tauren propaganda on the forums too! I mean, seriously, when was the last time you saw one of the less represented races like blood elf or vulpera in game?


Do you have any -factual- evidence to back that up?

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Something something Donald Trump. I like to talk about American politics while not paying attention to my own nations government. Even when the topic has nothing to do with it.


Left. Right. Left. Right. Left. Right.

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Get mad at the fact that I was hidden and scream about censorship - without understanding how the flagging system works.


Why the heck was this flagged though? I’d imagine the mods will give the flagger a nice little forum vacation for false flagging?


I falsely flagged you because I don’t like that you disagreed with me. You also didn’t stick to the main topic of these forums, American politics.


Makes disparaging comment about Argent Dawn Goldshire because it is about that time…

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Makes a comment about your realm being dead and that there is no RP on DMF.

Makes comment about having your gold, which will never be sent even if agreed to send it.

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