This is the sad state of our forum "community"

The world needs more people like you :slight_smile:


Sometimes, not always.

Even in a thread where someone is asking along the lines of “it seems too difficult, what I am missing?” there will still be “git gud” replies.

That is not advice. That’s thinking a constructive answer to “how do you build a car?” is “you build it”.

You arent being very helpful either, you didnt answer the OPs question. Please be kinder next time.


Don´t forget this classic: (post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Which is why i love it. I am still too young in irl but in here i can be old man pointing my finger gun and yelling people to get of my lawn.

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to be fair, it’s not like people come here for advice in the first place. yes, some classes have it harder than others and I’m pretty sure blizz is trying to sort it out.
the reason I (and several others) rage at these posts is because people ask for content to be nerfed in general.

Sir, those are words of wisdom. :+1:t2:


Sometimes they are overshadowed by trolls (not the tusky ones). But polite people do exist in the forums. Since negative experiences tend to stick, it’s good to remind oneself about it.

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I agree with you.
Just saying it seems that you’re more likely to get less “git gud” replies - not that they will mysteriously vanish.

That’s the internet though. You could see a headline reading “Free cure for cancer found. Available to all mankind” with 6bn upvotes and 800k downvotes.

The problem with TOrghast is that not all classes or specs have it equally easy. For some is a walk in the park and for others an unbeatable nighmare. So “advise” from classes that can complete it AFK is not welcomed. xD

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Have you seen how death the class and server forums are… lol?

I dont even know why they exist at this time and date.


The reason I say that is very simple. I and others have made it clear there is more than one way to utterly defeat torghast, be it solo or grouping up with at least 1 other friend.

It seriously is not that hard.

Yet all we get in response is childish rants about not being able to solo it, having no friends, playing a mmo in order to solo stuff for a reward that’s used for group play.

Its asinine at best.

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Oh please.

All I see is a hundred “Nerf Torghast” threads. I have yet to see a thread where people ask for advice on how to get better at the game.

Fot these people, it’s easier to cry than admit that they are doing something wrong and seek advice.

I made an ask for advice topic.

Let me look that up, and link you it how that turned out, okay? ;0

Lets see?

All I see is a hundred “Nerf Torghast” threads. I have yet to see a thread where people ask for advice on how to get better at the game.

Your point has been made mute. :slight_smile:

Hmm i wonder where that is from…

You never asked for anything in the post. You just said that you won’t be able to get the legendary.

There was nothing constructive about your post, and as a result, you got no constructive replies.

I asked for help. I dont know what I am doing wrong.

If that is not asking for help I dont know what is?

I know how to play my class.

But you seem to only state that because of the last line of my post.

Maybe because people get desperate after a couple of tries for absolutely no reward?

There is nothing constructive about your current post if you only read the last part.

I know labelling is bad, but oh god, there are some kinds of posters which behaviour is so predictible and schematic:

  • PvP Rager - uses twitch slang on forums, git gud, whenever someone asks for nerfs, they attack class of the poster, most PvP section is flooded by them and you can not have civil discussion here
  • Armory Stalker - if you say something like “PvE isn’t hard to me” they go straight to your armory and check achievements, if you don’t have CE, you’re insulted, if you have CE they insult you cause you killed it at the end of xpac, if you have CE from 1st month of raid they insult you cause you’re no life
  • Attention Seekers - usually titles of their threads are sentences stating their opinion as it was a fact, then whenever reasonable argument is thrown at them they keep spamming “no, it isn’t”
  • Karens - people constantly crying over other people setting requirements they don’t meet for dungeons/raids instead making own group
  • Extremists - “I kinda… sorta… don’t like apples, sorry :p” - “OH, SO WE SHOULD BURN EVERY SINGLE ORCHARD IN WORLD YOU FRUIT HATER!?”
  • Old School Troll - controversial thread baiting half of the forum to flame each other and his/her only post in this thread is the original post

I actually had 23 ilvl in layer 3.

they exist? I didnt even know