This is trash / garbage / fun / EXCITING!? 🤔

A few things.

When tab targeting not looking properly and pulling another pack with multi shot. Whoopsie daisy.

Forgetting my traps are aim at cursor and frost trapping a random critter in the corner rather than my thing from beyond.

And sometimes I really get a brain fart and forget I can move during steady shot and will panic as I finish a cast just enough to dodge an aoe. Conversely sometimes I forget I can’t move with aimed shot. Not often, I’m not a complete liability promise.

One I’m guilty of often, not checking for quest aid items. Only today I discovered you get an item to buff your swim speed to gather the clams for the follower quest in naz. Prior to now I’d just do it in slow motion. I often miss items that teleport you to places as well (like the bfa port to capital stone upon hitting 110, most of my characters flew to dalaran and went that way, doh).

Not much my fault, well maybe, but equipping all my TD corrupts this week so when mob packs get mown down I can’t help but feel I’m largely responsible for the creation of the elite mini boss that results.

And a hunter classic, failing to pull off the FD last one to survive because you stutter just enough to cancel it as soon as it casts.


When I was new to WoW 14 years ago I swam between Ironforge and Stormwind without knowing of the Tram. I was also a hunter back then and I quickly regretted my decision at around level 40, so I thought I could play melee for the rest of the game :smiley:

There was also one time in a heroic The Nighthold I played as a Blood DK. On Spellblade Aluriel I didn’t know the fire adds’ cast time was increased the closer they were together, so I used mass grip. A few seconds later we of course wiped and everyone except me raged in chat.


A guildie of mine once disengaged off the platform during the Lich King fight


jumped down a lift while thinking “yeah i ll totally survive this”.


This has to be the funniest death ever.


Everytime I pop wings before tank gets agro I also myself across face :speak_no_evil:


Looted my M+ chest on my alt before logging into my main today.

Awarded 0 echoes of N’yalotha

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My stupid deed of the day was to argue with an idiot on forums and got dragged down to their level, and they did beat me with experience. I should have known better.

In-game the generic stupid deed is to roll over ledges. In raids, in world - anywhere ! Last time middle of hivemind fight.


I did the unthinkable and opened my my 1st M+ chest yesterday!
I st prayed to RNGeezuz
Dear RNGeezuz,
please bless this chest.

Opens box

Boom got mind flay R2 :>

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We went in to lfr with my friend priest (as double priests) to elagon.
When floor was about to dissapear, i gripped some random player to the center and my friend pulled me back. Needless to say, that guy never saw it coming.

Went solo to lfr with hunter to heart of fear, on Blade Lord Ta’yak when he pushed all players to back side and started spinning, i popped aspect of the pack… That was loooong and miserable wipe.

Mop again, with a group of friends we made a group named “Ordos” while being transformed by him (so you can kill your own faction). We had lock in party, summoned people, killed them and kicked them. Oh boy I had remorse back then.

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I laughed! Especially since i joked about u probably being some random noob when u joined :laughing:


My 2nd druid doing cloak. Wrathion’s quest in that raid zone. Lift just goes down. I thought ‘flap’ was a good idea. Well … it wasn’t as I landed straight into lava.


Jumping off a cliff on an alt forgetting I ain’t
on my Main Priest to levitate safely to the ground…

Happens all too often.


Jumping off an edge as Druid while still in combat after killing a mob, expecting being able to hop into Flightform halfway down.

Down we go

Still in combat.

Look up.

Aggro’d a critter for some mysterious reason.

Dead cow.


All those times ive jumped off of something and then furiously tried to levitate myself only to, too late, find out i had someone else targeted


Always rolling over edges of anything as a monk because you judged the distrance wrong … or having lagg and rolling far longer than you normally do…

I rolled out of the world like this at least 2 times in the past 2 weeks -_-

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I think that’s a fairly common one … it’s just that most of us don’t admit it :stuck_out_tongue:


We are proud priests, we have nothing to be ashamed of! But yeah the using Halo thingy, im guilty of that one as well, did it in motherlode, and in tol dagor as well, that pulled i think the entire instance


For me the most roll failures come from the momentum that follow chi torpedo. Although admitted my above mentioned roll out from Hivemand is one of my best and most classy. I am tanking the boss doing the frontal cone and we move them both on the side of room - so the melee would have some safe room, as well make dodging rollers easier.

And so I stand there staring timer for ‘split’ - sometimes I teleport, sometimes I forget my statue. And other thank says “hop-away!” and I roll straight backwards over ledge. And other tank goes, “What ?”

And raid leader tries to be all on point and matter of fact and asks what happened, so maybe he can fix it. And I just say, “I think its called… torpedo… chi torpedo”.

And that was one of the deepest sighs I have ever heard a raid leader do. But it made everyone else laugh.

If this game has a ledge, or a hole - a monk is bound to roll over it. This is part of class fantasy! You are not a proper monk if you have not rolled into places !


We had our Frost DK trying to take a shortcut over a bridge like structure in Nya… (on the sides ) and she managed to fall through the texture at the very edge twice :smiley:

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