This isn't the World of Warcraft!

Although Revendreth does not feel like wow, I love the aesthetics of it. Design wise it’s annoying multilevel zone, but I think they hit the center with the visual design.

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Agree with you here. I personally hope for something along the following (not mine, read it elsewhere):

The SL zones we know now and the “first ones” are actually the “evil” ones, who have disrupted the flow of souls, redirecting them into their worlds and abusing them to gain resources (anima), overthrowing the Jailer and the Maw as original afterlife.
Well, this original afterlife must have either looked a lot different before the Jailor’s imprisonment, or the Maw was only something like the “purgatory”, where you end up for a short (or long) time after dying, until you are purged from your sins and then move on the the “real” afterlife.

At the end of SL we will restore the original order without exactly knowing what is to come for us after we die (or maybe only the part with: we go to the maw, but it’s not the final destination).

Thinking about it… Would probably have worked to just give us a garrison round 2 but this time with dead characters.

The next expansion will take us off of the edge of Azeroth onto the back of the giant turtle itself and beyond the multiverse.

Or perhaps the map will become a globe and we will discover the Native Azrothians. Trade with them. Start settlements. Slaughter them and take their lands… wait. I’ve read this somewhere.

This part I agree with.

As for SL, I think it’s ok for it to feel alien as the world beyond the veil. They did a solid job.

Comparing to FFXIV… No they did not do a solid job, at most the only hint about shadowlands we got were from BFA, through one zone villain, sylvanas flying ,and something about Bwonzambis boss. Yes Helya is apparently in league with the jailer but there was nothing alluding to shadowlands back in legion, only that Helya could make pocket dimensions and two of these were used for vrykul souls.

Meanwhile in FFXIV they have sprinkled hints and established scenarios that makes most of what’s going on in that game believable.

In WoW, shadowlands just exists… somehow… and it’s supposedly always been there, but we have had no relations or allusions to this iteration of how afterlife in wow works, an afterlife connected to all worlds and realities but is only filled with characters from azeroth.

Not just Warcraft, sadly.

Less talented authors who somehow found themselves writing stories and characters they never could have aspired to create themselves have been screwing them up for a century, at least. It didn’t start with Star Wars or Star Trek. Just look at Sherlock Holmes. Most of the forays of others into writing Holmes have at least been brief, unremarked, and of limited effect. Two TV shows that had their own success with Holmesian base themes - Sherlock and House MD - did at least separate themselves from the originals and establish their own identity.

A few can act as apprentices, faithfully copying the original’s themes and styles.

But when some … writer … falls in to an established universe and decides to use it to “make the world a little better”, nothing good can result.

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That’s personal opinion against personal opinion, I guess I was speaking more from a visual standpoint. I admit I don’t give a flip about lore. I have no problem with the setting and execution, I just miss connected zones and classic adventuring feel. At the same time the first week I played SL I was amazed what visuals they were able to squeeze out of this old game and loved the wormhole traveling. It’s just not so lasting but I could say the same about most of modern WoW xpacs. There was just something about classic Azeroth land, felt vast, felt like home, a playground. Shards suck, having no pvp realm sucks, used to be more fun and free.

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