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Hi Wisnix,

We are currently looking for a couple more DPS to round out our roster. We raid 2 nights a week, Wednesday and Monday, 19:30-22:30. Our current progression is 9/9 Normal and 4/9 Heroic. We’ve only recently revived the guild, and are focused on building up a solid roster of core raiders. We also run M+ together, but are still working on structuring this a bit more. We currently aim for all to get their +10 weekly done, and have a few pushing higher keys, but would love to do more of it. :slight_smile:
We’re on Ravencrest, so realm and faction change would not be necessary. You can check out our recruitment post here: [A] (Ravencrest) <Consortium> Casual-Prog 4/9 HC LF core members
You’re also more than welcome to add my battletag for a chat: Alvala#2288

Best regards,