This post is old

hey hey hey he okej what ever yh eyhe yh eyhey


So, this guildleader thinks it is okay to kick someone without a single word of explanation, no conversation, nothing.

Wasted 60€ on a character boost, couldn’t even find the time to talk to me about an issue.

Don’t ever join this guild if you want to join a guild run by decent people.

Okay, so first of all you’ve clearly had this experience before…
second: We’ve asked you multiple times to join for whatever we’re doing and you give excuses every time, I (not the guild leader) asked you what your future in this guild looks like, since you’ve shown no effort at all, and that character boost was a free one with Shadowlands and no one asked you to do that since we recruited you as a healer but you decided to go rogue… so before bashing on us, make sure you give the entire story… we do not give attention to things that are not deserving of it.


I guess we had a sour grape in here aswell.


“We’ve asked you multiple times to join for whatever we’re doing and you give excuses every time”

So being busy with other things, is considered giving excuses? Working, or spending time with a friend should be cancelled because you need attention?

“that character boost was a free one with Shadowlands and no one asked you to do that since we recruited you as a healer but you decided to go rogue”

I was looking at playing a DPS class, because the smarty pants guild master recruited two more healers after I joined. That doesn’t mean I could not have used the boost on ANY other realm, though?

“so before bashing on us, make sure you give the entire story”

This whole problem started because you, Crazy, made multiple stupid remarks. Instead of asking me why I am not playing my rogue, you made the assumption I didn’t care about the guild. Which I then explained to you. But you still refused to even accept any kind of explanation.

“I guess we had a sour grape in here aswell.”

@Noxxian Well, I guess my response to HIS comment sums up everything that happened perfectly. ‘Would not have had to if any of the officers bothered actually trying to talk to me.’

What I cannot stand is people making silly assumptions instead of just normally talking to a person. Which is exactly what Crazy and Drel did.

OMG!.. how many times can you change the story about why you never joined? it’s always something different…
And I didn’t make remarks, I asked you why you never play?.. seeing as we actually wanted to do stuff within the guild… we spoke to you on a normal level as we would’ve with any regular person, but as you seem to be an inflammatory tick hell bent on attention & drama I guess this is what it’s come down to… so I’m no longer going to dignify you with a response… this is a guild for people who wants to progress and have fun… not ditch and destroy… so thanks bye!

Literally nobody actually tried having a conversation with me, you were just acting immature about the fact that I am playing on a different realm instead of playing a character that I am not fond of. There is literally nothing weird about that.
I told Drel I was going to transfer a character the moment I made the choice about what character to main in Shadowlands. Which is absolutely logical.

But no, you just have to be playing on a character in the guild because otherwise, you’re not a good guildie.

what I was doing, is called having a CONVERSATION, I spoke to you and asked because it’s unnecessary to have people being inactive constantly… you got heated and started talking trash… leave it alone, this is embarrassing -.-

and yeah… In order to be a guildee you actually have to play with us sometimes -.-

All you were doing was saying stuff like ‘why are you not playing with us’ and ‘do you even want to be in the guild’? A lot of hyperbolic questions that were in no way meant to actually have a decent conversation. And I never talked trash. I told you to drop it and I guess that’s enough to warrant a kick.

Okay okay. So basically you were on a date, then a birthdayparty (yours), then you’re with a friend? you’re getting me confused.

And to be fair, before you joined the guild, there was drel, lightklaw, and myself as a healer. Then you came, not a single healer was recruited after you joined. there was a tank/DPS and a DPS that’s it.

We did try and get you to do m+, raid, or whatever kind off fun we were having. and you never actually tried to reach out to us with m+ or what not. So please don’t start with all of this “But you still refused to even accept any kind of explanation.”

“So basically you were on a date, then a birthdayparty (yours), then you’re with a friend? you’re getting me confused.”

The date / birthday evening was literally the same night. If refusing to raid once on your own birthday. Another time where I was invited to run a Mythic, I was spending with a friend. If these things are issues, I don’t know what kind of lives you guys have.

“not a single healer was recruited after you joined”

I was told that you guys needed a healer because 2 of them were inactive. I can’t help Drel talks out of his you-know-what.

“We did try and get you to do m+, raid, or whatever kind off fun we were having. and you never actually tried to reach out to us with m+ or what not.”

I raided with you guys and also did multiple M+s. I really don’t see how cancelling once for a raid (on my birthday!) and for an M+, is considered not being a good guildie.

Like, all in all… This is weak guys. I work more than what most people consider ‘full-time’. I also have a social life outside of that. And still outplaying your guild’s healers, I’m considered not a good guildie because I never asked to do a Mythic? Get real.

Once again, literally ALL of this could have been talked out after a single whisper/DM. But I guess, I have to know/guess what you guys think.

Even though I was not present when this person was “active” I still want to say a few things which I haven’t said. I would’ve taken this “in person”, but since bashing on forums is the way to go, I’ll continue.

As far as I know, this person joined the guild as the healer. Yes, two healers were inactive at that time, then they became active. Those are our long-time friends and we should not justify why they were accepted. BUT, that is also why our guild master went DPS in order to make space for the new healer – Caoileann’s character.
The problem was solved, or at least we thought it was.
We had a priest and a druid healer, while Caoileann also had a druid healer. Before I move to the rest, we are not the guild where you are limited to a certain spec, we enjoy the game and want everyone to enjoy the class – hence, you play whatever you want. But that person doesn’t want to play a healer which is already played and wanted to have a meeting with healers to discuss the issue. The idea was not taken, obviously, because no one should change the class/spec they want to play.

I see that the issue of canceling on a raid is being dragged here.
No, the issue is not that the person went out, whether it was their birthday, bad day or chill with a friend. We all have those days and it is not the first or the last time it happens. The issue is that the person obviously knew it was their birthday a day before, and when asked “are you joining the raid”, reply was YES. (Luatha)

Even that wouldn’t be a problem, it became a “problem” when in a week or two, person joined two times to play with us – Once at the raid and in one mythic dungeon. At that point, everyone was wondering who is this person who only answers from time to time in a discord chat, or after the raid to ask how it went.
But okay, even then, we continue playing and the person was still in the guild with LVL1 priest called Luatha. After some time, that same person joined with a rogue. Explanations for it were written before.

The whole thing escalated in the conversation that I will upload:

Now, this is where I have to say my opinion.

First: Yes, the conversation could’ve gone differently if we knew what kind of person we are dealing with. We did not get to know the person and I will be the first one to say I am sorry for it. BUT, for someone who is so eager to point it out, I am very disappointed into how much effort they made. That effort equals zero, except when it is talking about dates and how they went, on Day 1 of joining.

Second: Playing the transfer/boost card is really not fair, and there are few reasons for it. You yourself are saying how you don’t enjoy playing a rogue that you boosted. No one made you boost a character, and especially not the one you don’t enjoy. That decision was PURELY YOURS, it just happened to be on Silvermoon. You were not forced to go DPS, you were not forced to transfer or boost a character into our guild, so please, own your mistakes and stop blaming it on someone else. Don’t act like you are 13 years old, you’re a grown person and you are responsible for your actions like I am for mine.

Third: Even though we are enjoying and joking in this guild, certain tones and childish threats are not tolerated. You, again, yourself are responsible for your actions. A passive-aggressive tone is not socially acceptable anywhere in the world OR online.
Sentences like this:

“I’m only going to ask this very nicely, honey… Don’t make me lose my sh*t on you. I just told you why I am playing other characters”

are very degrading and shows a lot about you as a person. This kind of behavior is not tolerated, I am sorry.
After that moment, a guild choice was made to remove you from the guild because we are done with immature, toxic and self-absorbed people.

In conclusion, I would really advise you to take a few hours to really figure out what kind of person you want to be and if you really want to keep going like this. Now you have an explanation why you were removed, and whoever is reading this post - I am sorry that you were brought into this very public discussion, believe me, no one wanted this but we cannot control other people.

I will save you burns about my grammar, it is bad :smiley:


Are you guys still recruiting dps?

Yes we are :slight_smile:

Awesome. Was looking to raid in shadowlands on this character. Can 100% do thursdays and sometimes tuesdays depending on work?

Awesome!. hit me up in game, and I’ll toss you an invite! :slight_smile: