This Wednesday XP Buff?

Well theres the option that Fresh starts ealier, but are allready WOTLK and actual prepatch to TBC servers come later.
Yes im stretching it.

Implement and activate different things. Yes they will implement this wednesday but they already said no date for activation. But i guess not much than 1-2 weeks.

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That is true. <Sadface.>

Would be nice to get the xp buff after the coming reset indeed. However as they never gave us any specifics, one can only hope and calculate a plausible date for it.

But give it to us this Wednesday :slight_smile:

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So, if we take your example then there was no need for a TBC beta either, but they had one. I’m sure you think it’s the same. It isn’t 2008 WotLK it’s 2022 WotLK, if you read the stuff they say they have recreated it, not copied it.

You are 100% wrong, I don’t think it will even be in July.

No, it says with the pre-patch.

So During not before.

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The pre-patch will be August 10 or 9 (the day they “Consolidate” the servers - there was a ‘give-away’ somewhere for this knowledge), so this XP buff should come in the beginning of August.

But as they call it the Summer Buff Event it might be sooner.

That is a dumb assumption. There is no way they would risk putting up pre-patch along with realm consolidation and risk having it go wrong and people unable to play the first week of pre-patch.
The earliest pre-patch will drop is 1 week after the consolidation.


Well see about that.

As I said, there was a give-away somewhere. I thought it extremely stupid as well. And no I’m not going to read through Forums, Wowhead and Announcements to re-find this tid-bit - which also can have been deleted since.

And if it goes wrong they just shake their head and say we were warned:

They gave the latest date for Wrath as December 31st didn’t they? so with 6 weeks of pre-patch that could put the buff at the start of November at the latest.

I would say the pre-patch will be early September so that makes the buff mid August.

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But they cant launch it same time as Retail expansion, Dragonflight. Atleast 2 months before so i think october will be latest and since prepatch should last 1 month, Septembers last day will be the last day for prepatch.

So it means buff comes wednesday or next week.

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Hey there, had to reply because you are stating so much wrong facts as truths.

  • TBC beta started 23/03 with raid testing launched 15/04 and launch dates announced 07/05. So beta was 2 months top ( and i doubt anyone was on beta the last weeks of May before official launch, especially with prepatch live since 19/05).
  • Numerous people were convinced TBC would not launch before July but Blizz dit it because they wanted to boost quarterly earnings. Its safe to assume the same will happen with WOTLK and we should expect the launch mid Sept at the latest.
  • They confirmed that retail expac will come this year, which means they shouldnt collapse with classic lk so october is out of way tbh.
  • They stated that prepatch will be 2 - 6 weeks with 2 weeks being not enough and 6 being probably too long. Best guess is 4, maybe 3 with xp buffs justifiying it.

Based on this info, i personnally expect a prepatch BEFORE or at the same time of the merger. Which makes xp buff soon in july depending how much time they want us the player to benefit from it. Also dont forget with are celebrating 3y of classic launch late august + TBC main phases (ie tier) lasted around 4 months each; which places sunwell “end” around late august/early september


Depends on location where did they post the Joyous buff announcement from. It’s called summer buff and doubt that countries Blizzard operates in have summer in November :smile:

It also depends on which summer they use, ending on sept 21st or sept 1st.

They could also change the name to Autumn or Fall buff.

Either way I highly doubt the buff will be active before the consolidation. Aug 10th.

Why should they then say, the Buff will start BEFORE the Pre-Patch?

Lich will be most likely at the end of august. Blizzard wait till summer ends and school boys will not have all summer days free time all day to sell them boosts.

Well, maybe because pre patch will be after that.

Keep in mind they plan to do changes to original WOTLK, so that may exceed the beta duration, because the changes have to be tested.

I don’t think the XP buff will be released this week :smiley: But it would be cool if it did. Realistically I expect it next week or the week after in the worst scenario

We know the dates of most of these and the relative dates are certain, so guesstimates can be made on the rest:

  • PvE to PvP transfer restrictions removed - already happened June 21

  • Wrath Classic closed beta test - already begun

  • Classic Era clone service retired - happens July 26

  • Summer XP event (the 50% buff) - (“coming weeks” from June 22) Duration 6-8 weeks - few weeks before pre-patch until lauch - Guess: July 13

  • Existing realms ‘consolidated’ - August 10

  • New Fresh Start Realms with Wrath Classic pre-patch - Guess: August 10, or more possible 17

  • Wrath of the Lich King launch - Guess: September 14/21/28. Even before SoM closes down on 16 November