This Wednesday XP Buff?

This wednesday?

Or yet another week for Fresh?

Try counting in months, not days.



This was posted 12 days ago.
Quoting this: "In the coming weeks, we will implement a global buff that we’re calling “Joyous Journeys”.

Quote: “we expect it to last for at least 6-8 weeks; beginning a few weeks before the 3.4.0 Pre-Patch and persisting right up until the day that Wrath of the Lich King Classic launches.”

Few weeks before prepatch.

So, Wednesday it starts?! Or week from now?

Weeks. Remind me again what are months made of? Days and weeks.

Beta only just started and does not even allow you to level to 80 yet. I think at least 3 months to the prepatch, so 2.5 months until the buff.

If you ask about Fresh, it’s neither. They specifically said that Pre-Patch date = Fresh date.

They also said that the XP buff will cover whole Pre-patch duration, NOT that it will start with Pre-patch.

During, NOT before.

To prepatch yes months.
To XP buff and Fresh servers, earlier.

They said it starts FEW WEEKS BEFORE prepatch.
Again same quote like on that starting post and on bluepost:
" Quote: “we expect it to last for at least 6-8 weeks; beginning a few weeks before the 3.4.0 Pre-Patch and persisting right up until the day that Wrath of the Lich King Classic launches.”"

Why come tell wrong info when its on that link BLUE POST and clearly says so.

XP buff and Fresh servers come same time. Later prepatch.


So if I think the pre patch will be 3 months then the buff will be a few weeks before that so 2.5 months. not a few months before, it will be a few weeks before.

I also noticed you ignored the part about the TBC beta. Classic TBC beta was 3 months long.

Because it does say weeks, but not HOW MANY, 2 or 52 your guess is as good as mine. In fact, I’m wrong about that as I’m realistic and you seem to have your head in the clouds.

Look above, I’ve posted the part you ommited from the blue post that specifically says that fresh starts with pre-patch.

Classic beta was long because the problems they had with getting it right. There is not much problem in Lich King, so it takes maybe 4 weeks of beta, maybe even less and its allready going on.

You cant compare old beta that was done first time and this beta that has been allready done once.

It says FEW WEEKS. How many is Few? its less than 5 thats for sure. Id say around 3, since couple weeks is 2.

I said classic beta but I meant Classic TBC beta. I’ve edited that now.

It was three months gap between the start of TBC beta and the TBC pre patch release. Go look the dates up for yourself if you don’t believe me.

Yes. Lich King Beta and Classic Lich king beta are not the same. Classic WOTLK BETA doesnt take that much time, since its allready done once.
But anyways, XP buff coming wednesday or week from now.

I think theres been misinfo about when the fresh comes, since one part says it starts same time as xp-buff and other says it starts with prepatch.

When you think about it, if Fresh started before pre-patch, it couldn’t have call itself Fresh Wotlk server :smile:

Well theres the option that Fresh starts ealier, but are allready WOTLK and actual prepatch to TBC servers come later.
Yes im stretching it.

Implement and activate different things. Yes they will implement this wednesday but they already said no date for activation. But i guess not much than 1-2 weeks.

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That is true. <Sadface.>

Would be nice to get the xp buff after the coming reset indeed. However as they never gave us any specifics, one can only hope and calculate a plausible date for it.

But give it to us this Wednesday :slight_smile:

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So, if we take your example then there was no need for a TBC beta either, but they had one. I’m sure you think it’s the same. It isn’t 2008 WotLK it’s 2022 WotLK, if you read the stuff they say they have recreated it, not copied it.

You are 100% wrong, I don’t think it will even be in July.

No, it says with the pre-patch.

So During not before.

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The pre-patch will be August 10 or 9 (the day they “Consolidate” the servers - there was a ‘give-away’ somewhere for this knowledge), so this XP buff should come in the beginning of August.

But as they call it the Summer Buff Event it might be sooner.

That is a dumb assumption. There is no way they would risk putting up pre-patch along with realm consolidation and risk having it go wrong and people unable to play the first week of pre-patch.
The earliest pre-patch will drop is 1 week after the consolidation.


Well see about that.