Added on bnet through the phone. Let me know if it didn’t work.
I’m Andreas.
Added on bnet through the phone. Let me know if it didn’t work.
I’m Andreas.
I have 1 wolf if you need!
I got it thank you, we can probably manage to coordinate something tomorrow
Yes!! Sorry for late answer. I am not on the forums every day
I gave it to the next person after 24 hours I’m sorry. If I get another one I’ll ping you again.
If you still need one I still have two on hand.
You can add me on Bnet (Athiyk#2280) so you can get a hold of me when you are available.
You star, that’s great news.
Yes! Please <3 Thank you
Sent bnet request
Thank you Kyoth!
No problem, enjoy.
I still have one left in reserve, if someone is still in need of a wolf.
any spare wolfs? got a gryphon if anyone needs.
Have you got one for Archegonos?
I lost track of this thread for a while now.
I still have two wolves up for grab. I posted my Bnet a few posts above. Feel free to add me if you still need one.
friend request pending!
some kind person gave me one, did not see who but very nice
One more wolf left to go, if there are still any takers for it.
how do you keep getting these wolves/griffons?
If you do the event every week, you often have an hour glass item to use that will guarantee a drop next time, if you already have everything, it will just give you the wolf/gryphon. I get one every week if I do it.
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