Time To Panic About Arenapoints

So i just checked the PTR and sure enough, all my arena points have been converted into honor points, which means the majority of my points stand to be lost on live servers (unless i spend them in time) with the introduction of phase 2 / Season 2.

i’m gonna need to know, in no uncertain terms, if the release of Phase 2 comes with the instant release of Arena Season 2.

my current plan is to buy the S1 weapon (which btw, is my ONLY option for a better offhand for both PVE and PVP, thank you very much for forgetting about shamans blizzard) and the S1 shoulder piece (and possibly a 2nd piece for the 35+ resil set bonus) but if my arena points get converted without warning i stand to lose about 20-30k honor worth of arena points as i am already sitting on 62k honor saving up for next season, which means my current 2900 arena points, which i have been saving up since TBCC’s release, will be nigh on completely wasted.

@Blizzard please make a blue post that explains what your plans are for Phase 2 / Arena season 2 release plans are and what it will mean to players.

On another note, i’ve taken a look at the blue rep pvp “catch up gear”… can anyone explain to me why this “catch up gear” is downright BETTER than the current blue (high warlords) gear?

just checked the “Seer’s Linked Armor” which has the same stats as “High Warlords Linked Armor” except it has 10 more strength and 12 more intellect while it lacks +9 mp5 (a stat you couldn’t care less about as enhancement shaman in pvp).

“Seer’s Linked Gauntlets” are actually straight up better than S1 gladiator linked gauntlets (not to mention they are definitely better than high warlords linked gauntlets) due to the fact the S1 gloves got +8% lightning shield damage as a bonus and the Seer’s gloves give +5 yards shock range as its bonus. pretty sure i’ll go with that over 8% lightning shield damage any day of the week, meanwhile the only downside statwise is that Seer’s gauntlets have 4 less strength, 7 less stamina, 9 less crit rating and 4 less resilience, so the blue rep vendor crap catchup gear - in this case - is literally better than s1 quality gear.

what in the holy **** is going on?? are you serious?!

They get converted to honor at the end of season 1. They haven’t announced a day yet but most people expect early September.

in that case, i guess my question is; will phase 2 (and thus cheaper S1 gear) come out before September? XD

Phase 2 and end of season 1 happen at the same time.

No they will have a 1 or 2 week offseason where you can spend them with reduced costs. If not, then they will have a 1 week of players leaving the game in masses :slight_smile:

lol yeah i can imagine the absolute outrage if they screwed up and basically deleted everyone’s arena points without allowing anyone time to spend them.

Damn son, how about figure out how to play around that pain suppression and then start panicing about s2 will ya :slight_smile: Why do people always have to know everyting, why cant you just accept that sometimes your preparations have been suboptimal?

you never told me “how to play around” pain suppression when i asked you how in the other thread.
i’m gonna assume you don’t know either :kissing_heart:

remember, you were the one who said dispelling it wasn’t an option, so name the tool used to play around it then.

Oh I believe I did son :slight_smile: Hows that going for you? By the looks of it not so great id guess tho…


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