Timewalking quest bug?

I just the snarky manner rather obtuse towards you tbh was no need for it and all frequent forum posters know that dev’s hardly visit the forums so they would hardly notice people posting about bugs on general forum .
Even if they did i would suspect it would come under Tech forums which i doubt .
But like you said we have an in game tool which should be used and the more who use it the better .


The craziest thing on this forums is how they turn one user against another, and some individuals are actually crazy enough to do their work for no compensation other than the ego boost. Please tell me more how and where should I exercise my rights as a customers, I’m dying to hear what you’ll come up with.

No one in this discussion has said that people can’t complain about things that are not working in the game.

No one has turned anyone against anyone else.

Some got annoyed at being told how to report a bug.

Personally I find it reassuring if I’m not the only one having an issue, and if it’s widespread there is usually a good chance it will get fixed in reasonable time. The worst are when you have some strange thing that’s only happening to you.

Obviously we’d rather not have any issues in the first place.

Only person doing that is you with your inane post’s sorry to say .You set out with the comments when you were told how bugs are reported and handled posting on GD will help NOTHING .

Can confirm that this issue is still happening. NPC not showing up in Stormshield. :frowning:

Yes i have exact same issue can’t pick up quest if i click on that item
but i believe there will be hotfix

Also you have green text so that makes you a valid target in some peoples eyes, even though your most powerful ability is to have, well, green text.

My superpower is green coloured text, I like that :laughing:

It should be pink, people wouldn’t rage at pink.

Well it does put our class in Pink :smiley:

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Campaign quests don’t work, torghast can’t be joined. Good job blizzard.

well there was lag in korthia and disconnect on taming escaped wilderling
towering exterminator bugged and evade resetting in the rock
and fearing those of us not in range of him

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As of a few minutes ago, the issue seemed to be fixed for me (Magtheridon-EU). The Timewalking Vendor reappeared and the quest started working. We were literally talking about it in Trade chat and then it was fixed. :laughing:

Sorry about that.

But thank you for your reports. We found the bug and fixed it for all realms about an hour ago.


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