To everyone asking for solo queue

But then there’s nothing that makes you feel like you have control over your gameplay and when you lose 1-200 sr because of randomtrolljoe who plays vengeance in soloq you will regret this.
Even if we had a forced 1melee 1 caster 1 healer comp for soloq the difference between rmpala and feral-demon-holy priest is way too big to be covered with skill especially without voice chat with 2 randoms.
Either every spec needs to be on the same power level or most of them needs to be banned from soloq and then we can talk about drs and sinergy.
With all this I mean they are doing a horrible job with 3v3 or arena as a whole since mop, its getting worse every patch, if we ask more work from them they’ll just ruin everything beyond repair.

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