<TOGETHER> Wed/Mon 8-10:30pm [UK] recruiting for 10.2!

Chilled group still looking for more <3

Need DPS and a tank!

Hey what tank class are you looking for? im thinking about playing paladin for 10.2 hes aroudn 440 ilvl atm!

I think we may have tank 1 and 2 slots filled at the moment unfortunately. Feels like recruitment is picking up speed and people are coming back.

Still plenty of room for dps. An evoker/DH/warlock would be nice but anything really.

Updated for 10.2! In need of a healer to join our core :slight_smile:

HEALER NEEDED. We need one more main healer, currently have druid, priest. Regularity more important than class but evoker/shaman would really help balance of group.

Not long left.

Still want another healer to join us! <3

Updated! Ideally need another healer for 4 healing with a good DPS OS.

Sounds like a guild that matches what I am looking for. I’m not new to WoW by any means, but I am looking to get into raiding again after many years. Are you still looking for a healer? I’ve mained a priest for close to 10 years.

If you’re up for a chat you can add me on Battlenet:

Or discord if you prefer:

Thanks =)