<Torvet> | 4/8 HC CLEARED AOTC GUILD | Cross Faction | Cross Realm | LF HUNTER & ROGUE

Is a guild made by friends who have played through several expansions, having acquired AOTCs every season since Legion, maintaining an efficient environment ran by players who want to clear fast, gear fast and put content on farm even faster; we’ve managed to gather a solid group to clear, laugh and enjoy whatever WoW comes out with.

We’re relaxed, chill and a laid back group who will help our fellow player with their Class, Profession and rotation to a degree you can be content with and guide you for those 100-parses. We make sure that we progress as a team and get through content as a team, but more important with entertainment, banter and laughter. What is WoW if not a little bit of a DPS, healing or even damage mitigation competition, right? That’s not your style? that’s fine, you can tell us wannabe elitists to shut up so you can focus on not dying to fire on the ground, we got you!

  • We obviously recruit from both factions, we’re not roleplayers! I think?

So when do we raid?

  • Wednesday from 19:30 - 22:30 Servertime
  • Sunday from 19:30 - 22:30 Servertime

We believe that 3 hours of raid to be sufficient to clear raids as a group.

What classes are we currently looking for?

  • Hunter

  • Rogue

  • People are most welcome to apply either way, as we welcome exceptional players that show interest.

While having finalized our roster, we welcome, as previously mentioned, exceptional players and social players. As we progress through Heroic and start dipping our toes into Mythic content there’s always ample opportunity for those who wants to give it a shot to apply.

Where can we apply? Join our discord here: bYhaM3u4BT
and utilize our Apply-to-guild tab to give us a short summary with Rio/Armory links, and we’ll get back to you asap!

Thank you for taking the time to read this post and we are very much excited to hear from you! Have an amazing day!

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Request sent.

Sorted! Thanks for reaching out to Torvet!

We are in look for another 2 healers and dps!
Slots are rapidly being covered! Come join us!

Hey, I sent a request to one of your officers to join the guild

I have applied and sent a request through guild finder.

Thank you for applying!
We have currently updated the recruitment list and are looking for our last 2 healers, preferably a Paladin healer and a priest healer, followed by a Demon Hunter and a Mage. Dont hesitate to Apply!

Our numbers are growing rapidly!

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Request sent

Hey there, I accepted your request and await your response to my message:)

Request sent

Hey there, thanks for the invite

It’s great to have you! :slight_smile:

For the rest, we’ve updated the recruitment form again and are now looking for an active Warlock, Mage or Ele/Enhance Shaman for our raid roster. Apply in the discord, which is displayed in the main post.

Request sent to your guild !

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Thank you for reaching out and welcome to Torvet :slight_smile:

Update for others: We have updated our recruit form and I will take a look if possible. Thank you!

Hi still looking for a mage ? im 604 8/8 N 5/8 HC

We welcome people to apply. Visit our discord and throw an application

Going to send a request ! :slight_smile:

Awesome! Thank you for giving us an opportunity!

  • We have updated the recruitment list! Go check it out!