Transfer aborted: instance not found


I have a problem with one character. Problem with zoning in the Ardenweald. When I fly from Oribos anywhere to Ardenweald, I get the system message “Transfer failed: instance not found” and fall down. When I put a hearthstone in Ardenweald and run or fly away (from anywhere) I get a system message “Transfer failed: instance not found” and teleport me randomly away. And still around. I can’t move in the Ardenweald at all. When i zone in arena from Ardenweald i cant zone back after ending and I can’t log in to the game. We really need to solve this problem as soon as possible. I tried everything I read on the internet, blizz forum etc. Nothing works. The problem is on your side. Only one character in one location. I think it’s caused by unresolved zoning into the covenant sanctum.

Thank you very much.

Hey Spocenka,

This is usually a connectivity issue per the recommended troubleshooting steps. Please follow those to help resolve your issue.

no its not related to the link…
its related to this:

3months old issue still happening, gotta love the clueless customer support blizzard have