TROLLBANE Vanilla EU PVP'rs read here HWL Rasta

Hi im Highwarlord Rasta from Trollbane EU and my freind is HWL Reddeviil from Vanilla Trollbane eu. we are trying to find some old hardcore pvp freinds and adversaries , if any of you are reading this or any old Trollbane EU players would be great to reconnect and share good memories , im trying to find these players in particular

Warlord Freezeland (Tauren Druid)
High Warlord Kragoth (undead warlock)
High Warlord Bill (orc hunter)
High Warlord Valley (undead priest)
Korben (gm Thundercats)
Grand Marshal Uti (dwarf hunter)
Grand Marshal Andrevv (night elf hunter)
Grand Marshal Izzak (human warrior)
Solodado (human paladin)

Would be great to hear from you or any other Trollbane Vanilla Pvp’ers if you read this.


Go to classic forums this is retail

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You need to go here for finding old friends, just follow the links:


Hi! Razorgore - DiE - horde! We have a couple DiE members, Vally, Zhum, Monamie, some peeps from Trollbane alliance like Arikashi, Isilwen.

Troll post?

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