Trust Level 3 šŸ˜¢

Yeah half of the flagging system is there but I donā€™t get MVP for some reason :woman_shrugging:

I only post on this so I donā€™t suppose it really matters. I know both Ananda and Shammoz have multiple greens, I just have dis :laughing:


Alliance BIAS!!! xD


You know spamming will not let you get it. Anyways, flagged for spam.

Ironically, telling people youā€™ve flagged them is a form of trolling and thus also flaggable.

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:frowning: yeah sorry just woke up, didnt notice. you hate me now?

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Ofc not! Just jealous :grimacing:

I mean half of your threads are just spam threads with really annoying structure to them. No wonder you lost it.

nuu, im sorry. :confused:

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thanks Twilly. :grinning: was kinda surprising though.


How does Tl3 works anyway ? i have it in morning and donā€™t have it at evening :rofl: :joy:
Yes i did look in description ,but it seems there is some sort of voodo as well

Can you get TL3 back after a forum vacation? Last one was like a year ago and Iā€™ve not been able to post links since. Deffo done rest of the criteria.

hmm, as far as i know, you cant get tl3 anymore if you have more than 5 spam/offensive flags and have had any suspension in game or on the forums.

I donā€™t think you want Yrel climbing out of your screenā€¦

Considering sheā€™s insane now, sheā€™d go crusader mode and purge heretics. DEUS VULT!

so you think XD

Some people say they did, but i think its all about that RNG hey xD

if theres one person that truly deserves TL3 itā€™s me

No good deed goes unpunished!


Level three means you celebrated/promoted or just had patience with reading some mentally ill posters, so just be patient and look the other way is easiest strategy to not get blues angry

My real honest advice :sun_with_face:

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