Turalyon Alliance Reconnections

Played as Illumina, NE moonkin in
Rise of the Phoenix, DrAmA and Docet Umbra


Any of you decided where you’re going yet? Have grouped up with a bunch of casual guys on Gehennas (Horde), don’t fancy the hardcore grind this time around :wink:

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Illumina :slight_smile: I remember you - we raided together in Docet Umbra, I think! (Not during Vanilla, though) Or, hm, were you in Defenders of Defiance, too?
I hope the world has treated you well :butterfly:

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Cherriagana/ Hawkjp :slight_smile:
PLayed in the guilds TPR/ TLW and Vision.

Anyone has any idea what server most old turalyon people will chose? :slight_smile:

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Hello Alunaria,

Yes, that Illumina was me. I was also in DoD indeed. So we played in two guilds together I guess then. :slight_smile:
And yes, I got older, but I guess everyone did. :stuck_out_tongue:
Are you going to play classic as well and on what server?


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I´ll try to track you down in game tonight! :slight_smile:

Curufin, Night Elf Rogue
Curu, Human Paladin

Was in guilds Liberation and Blood Pact

Nice to see some old names here! Brings back some memories for sure :slight_smile:

Hi Garritt!

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Whoa what a blast from the past.

Billim/coolguy - human/undead rogue

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Character: Wrathblade
Race: Human Female
Class: Rogue
Guild(s): The Devil’s Backbone, The Leftover Exiles, Nerds in Denial

I hope you are all doing fine :smiley: I ll be glad to see you in game if anyone of you still playing! (Kenyon, Killsync, Imelmo especially)


Hey, its cool recongizing alot of names posted here :slight_smile: mine is:

Gnome mage
Core of the Alliance

Prob gonna play on Gehennas


Gravatar / Grabatar human Warrior
Thulak Shaman of some flavor (chocolat!)

Played in “The Devils Backbone” and “Source of Strength” in the AQ days.

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Superbeard Dwarf Hunter
Just to play in Order of Elune during vanilla and joined up with Docet Umbra later in TBC.

Hey Nightnurse & Toulou :smiley:


No way, Superbeard! Hey! I remember you! How have you been!? :slight_smile:

Oh, this forum really needs some kind of personal chat message feature!

Only 5 more days to go, it almost seems surreal :smiley:

Hello all!

A bunch of familiar names in here, both of individuals and guilds, lovely to see!!

Shafto - human - mage
Order of the new clan - Conexus - The Twilight - Resisted - Mother’s Finest
Battle dot net tag - Shafto#21336

New server: Mirage Raceway (but may also run a char on shazzrah if I can find time).

As Dokk said, loads of us ex-Resisted people have gotten together on a Facebook group but we’ve also started a website here:

(for some reason it won’t let me enter a link. It’s WWW dot RESISTEDGUILD dot CO dot UK)

Feel free to sign up for the forums and say hi, particularly if you’re going to be rolling a char on Mirage Raceway!


P.s. Kallistii/Leshrak! <3 get your a$$ on the forums and make sure you’re on mirage raceway!!

P.p.s Vmagic you slaaaaag, gutted you’re rolling horde, and on such an inferior server, too :sob:


I’ll always treasure our time together talking bullsh*t on the realm teamspeak mate :wink:

Will roll an alt on Mirage Raceway


NE Priest

Played in Liberation till TBC

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Omg dude, i remember me, you, secro and oystein the hunter all playing pvp. Oystein is joining me for classic. You back playing? We on firemaw server

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Its ellethien btw

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Anyone remember Azure or Bruttone? or the gnome mage cuteashell?

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I do. Bruttone and Cuteashell sound familiar. I remember the whole bunch of people from Turalyon though, people from TLW, TCW, SoS … I played a NE Druid on Turalyon - Canidhae

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