Another player from Beyond Oblivion signing in. Fun to see the names and definitely remember some BO and The Beastro players as well as raiding together. Like being assigned to heal one the mages while clearing imps before the first boss in MC. Would be so nice to relive this but it’s impossible to get everyone together unfortunately.
I started as a shaman (Rackalite) on Spinebreaker and after fleeing from the Spanish Inquisition i landed here with some people i knew from work (Sanatos and Terrador). Later rerolled a priest (Rivalry) and did my raiding on that char.
Many years later i once ran into Spakianor at the climbing gym calling me by my nickname
I don’t see any of them anymore though.
I’m playing at Pyrewood Village, slowly levelling my hunter Seiya.
Dont remember names here, But i remember a lot of the guild name’s. Good to see you all.
Player from “The Beastro”, did a alot of “Off Tanking and DPS” in MC and BWL for TB/BO raids. After I got my T2 set I gave up raiding and did some PVP. Want to do AQ and more now.
RL Friends (Only FB friends now, life go’s on) with Boba, Tenius and Nailz. They all got kids and stuff, so they dont have time to play any more.
Playing on noggenfogger with a friend and some of his friends, Inn the guild “The Company”.
Perikulus! Die naam herken ik 
I used to play a nab resto shaman called Vladi.
We’re playing on Noggenfogger too, Adults in Denial guild. We got Harikari, Jammal, Dolente, Kaelisra, Soosisti and a bunch more.
I remember that name
Troll Warrior right?
I used to play an old nab resto shaman Vladi.
We’re playing on Noggenfogger too, “Adults in Denial”. We got Harikari, Jammal, Dolente, Kaelisra, Soosisti and a bunch more.
I remember your name! Once been to a LAN too organised by Sanatos if i remember correctly.
I used to play an old nab resto shaman Vladi, i joined BO when they were already doing MC with TB. Became part of TB later when guilds merged.
We’re playing on Noggenfogger right now, “Adults in Denial”. We got Harikari, Jammal, Dolente, Kaelisra, Soosisti and a bunch more.
Hello everyone,
I used to play a tauren shaman called ‘voltje’ - at first I was a member of Fleetwood, that later merged into ‘Durability loss’ - after people were tired of wiping in Nax, the guild disbanded and I formed my own guild called ‘Elysium’. If I can recall we were the 2nd best guild horde side, first was obviously Path of Wreckage.
I’m playing on the Ten Storms ream (EU) however I’d like to join some people that were there, back in the days!
Sadly I have no clue what the credentials are of my old WoW account, hasn’t been used in 10+ years, so feel free to add me on this one!
Hey Voltje, my apologies for late reply!
I remember you from TH, I played in the 2nd best guild horde side <The Dark Realm> 
Bunch of TH veterans rolled on Shazzrah, but others (including me) switched to 10S because of the queues. Feel free to contact me in-game, you know the name