Twiluna's Forum Science: Let's Reach Post Cap 👩‍🔬

For shame!!! Daisy enjoys her 0 kms an hour walks!

Who’s daisy ?

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Pretty sure my daisy is still trying to get to stradama in plaguefall. Last i saw was her entering first boss area after we had killed him :laughing:

Now i’m tempted to rename her to creeping death. She may not be the fastest but she’ll catch up to you eventually.


I’m gonna name mine Sandario (after the priest in my m+ team, they move on the same speed!).

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Forgive my ignorance, but I’m a bit out of the loop here…

Can’t help but think of this when I hear “Daisy !” :

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Its the sloth pet we got for the donation thingy :slight_smile: go to the shop and claim her (and bananas) if u havent :slight_smile:

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The monkey will remain unloved and unclaimed.

Got the sloth though.

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Thy advice shall be tresured

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I feel invoved


Stop spoilering the title of my biography, it’s not out yet.



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Can I have a first edition with a duck bookmark ?

I’m willing to trade it for a murloc voodoo shrunken head, a few shards of [something that could’ve been useful but was irreversibly destroyed by the unskilled hands that gathered it] and the full collection of “Twiluna’s amazing gardening ideas vol 1 to 12”

Deal ?

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Sounds good to me! I’ll even sign the bookmark with a Quack.

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You’re doing god’s work


It’s soloable, but kind of annoying. Get a few friends to help you out and it makes it much easier. Also after spawning her, you can get other friends to join your instance and get the pet, so bring a warlock and summon a few friends who don’t have her yet!


Almost…there… Just a wee bit to go

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Yeah we need to keep this moving if we’re gonna reach cap :laughing: just make a discussion about some hot topic (but not so hot it gets 404’d) and lean back with the popcorn! :popcorn: LFR is uaually a hot topic, but we just recently had one… other ideas?