Twitch Drop: Get the Fathom Pet — Now Live!

Whee two persons revolution :wink:

Sadly too many hop on the bandwagon for them to stop it

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Literally a non-issue, you can acquire it while playing the game with it minimized in the background…

Point of them is to literally bring attention to a game to attract players to play… but I guess you see that as a bad thing. :expressionless:

I can’t even get it to work. My accounts are connected but I won’t get any progress. Unfortunate

The progress never shows on the page I’m watching any more for some reason. I have to click on rewards then the bar comes up and the stream I’m watching is minimised. Or does that not work either?

Nope, I was checking in on my progress in the drops tab but it’s not showing. I think I’ll just disconnect my twitch account and try again once the cooldown’s gone

Thanks for the pet Blizz.

Prefer Twitch to the demoralising FOMO Plunderstorm event.

Tried it and stopped at renown 2.

I draw the line at being used as repetitive cannon fodder for an EXCESSIVE amount of games due to FOMO.

Spending hours doing something a player doesn’t enjoy, for time limited rewards tends to be a Wow mindset. but I am not buying into that.

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