Tyrande's Darkening (8.1 spoilers)

Jaina: “Press the attack while the Zandalari mourn their fallen king? That would make us no better than the banshee!”

Tyrande: “Sacrifice an orc head to reclaim our homeland and avenge the genocide of our people? That would make me no better than the banshee!”

I think we better just put that head aside already :stuck_out_tongue:

Curiously, it wasn’t me the one that brought parallels between Taurajo and that random dead orc.

And certainly didn’t give it such importance. How that came to be? Looks like some strawman taken out of context to portray a caricature of some other argument that focus elsewhere.

Really think that? I mean, there are several threads that go into some very specific details that dissect even the mildest act carried out in Brennadam (to name an example).

To quit while we are ahead?

Abominations are there in Forsaken ranks since Vanilla. Who’s talking about Brennadam?


Now? Nobody.

But saying nobody gives a crap about what Sylvanas does or orders, kind of falls short when taking a look at the previous threads that dissected all or any Horde action that took place previously.
Including Brennadam, yes.

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More Jaina bias here. The entire Warbringer introduction was either a Lie or got discharged last minute. Nothing new from Blizzard. They whitewashed events and characters before.

Are we looking at the same topic oO I didnt see someone claiming severed orc is new Taurajo or that Sylvanas is jesus.

And hello Araphant :stuck_out_tongue:

“but muh muhwell”
Why on erath would someone pollute that shiny well with a orc head…

Yeah yeah. I know you mean me. Just admitnthat you have lose our conversation.

You play a troll. Your people shrink heads and use them in rituals. Now delete out of moral integrity.

Hello panda <3


That’s true!

Have you guys every heard about “Draenor is free”?

Have I ever told you how it is a coffin of the concept of a story?

Not claiming any moral ground here.

But saying that people don’t care about whatever Sylvanas does, doesn’t really add with all those threads and posts created expressively to complain about her actions.

And saying these sort of acts would’ve been seen normally even if coming from Sylvanas is being blatantly dishonest.

There has been debate and discussion for far less whenever her character is involved in ANY mildly controversial act.

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Because this is far less then most of the crap Sylvanas pulls?

Also, for bonus points:

  • Preserved Night Elf Head
  • “An esteemed home decoration and children’s toy in Zuldazar.”

That was still an highborne head. Bloodelves and Highborne should be triggered aswell.

So you are saying that, had been Sylvanas the one given this flavour detail, nobody would’ve batted an eye?
I mean, I’ve read guys arguing about what an evil person Sylvanas is for leaving in a ship with Ashvane and leaving Rexxar and Valtrois behind…

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Do you honestly expect people to wail about Sylvanas cutting someone’s head off after Teldrassil?

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More like I didn’t bother continue with a derailment that went once again into the usual Sylvanas hate wagon.


They did with punctual acts of cruelty in Brennadam. Or to name a more precise example, how evil the Horde is for using a stitched abomination made of Stormsong soldiers.

I mean, I despise name calling, but you can be damned sure there were a few that argued about it.

If Sylvanas was the one that pulled this, people would complain.

You have to admit that was a mean move.

They didnt have valid tickets… they had it coming sing

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