Unchained Loyalty (Draenor-Horde) is a reformed guild of ex-Mythic raiders looking to make a strong, stable raid team to push through Heroic Siege of Dazar’alor, as well as the first couple of bosses on Mythic. We’re not planning on pushing through for Cutting Edge, nor are we expecting to get more than around 3/4 Mythic bosses down - so if that’s not your cup of tea, then I’m afraid we’re not the guild for you!-however, If you’re looking for a down to earth guild that has fun both in game, and outside of it, on different platforms whilst still getting decent progression then perhaps we are the people for you!
As I said; our core consists of ex-Mythic raiders. I, myself have progressed 7/8 Mythic Uldir, my co-GM achieved 7/9 Mythic Tomb of Sargeras, whilst the rest of the raid team varied in terms of personal progression but the vast majority of the team reached 5/13 Mythic Antorus as their best tier (with one god tier Warlock reaching 11/13 Mythic Antorus).
Raid Times
We raid Wednesday and Sunday evenings 21:00-23:30 Server Time - for the first two weeks we will be running Normal Dazar’alor on Wednesday, and Heroic on Sunday - after those first two initial weeks we will be running only Heroic with a potential optional Normal raid clear at some point during the week.
What Are We Looking For?
We are currently looking for:
Tanks: OPEN (not for a Death Knight though unfortunately)
Healers: OPEN (only for Monk/Shaman/Druid)
Ranged: OPEN
Melee: OPEN
any classes not listed here, or any specs not listed here will still be heavily considered, although those listed are of a higher priority!
If you have any other questions - or if you are interested please don’t hesitate to get in contact with me either via leaving a message on this post, or by adding my BattleNet: ConnorRigg#2598! I look forward to fighting Jaina with you!
Updated “What Are We Looking For”
Due to personal life complications one of our Tanks has unfortunately had to step down, so we’re now on the market for a Main Tank!
Still open for Melee/Ranged DPS; especially Balance Druid, Elemental Shaman, Mages, Rogues, Demon Hunters, and Warriors.
Exceptional Healers will be considered, although our Healer team is currently full. Need a DPS with a solid Tank off-spec.
Also recruiting people that’re purely interested in pushing Keystones to get a Keystone group up and running!
ConnorRigg#2598 if you’re interested!
Still on the lookout for new recruits ready for Dazar’alor progression next week!
Especially in need of a Main-Tank, and a couple of DPS!
ConnorRigg#2598 for more information! 
Tank spots are now filled!
Currently on the lookout for more DPS!
Warrior: Low
Paladin: High
Hunter: Medium
Rogue: High
Priest: High
Shaman: Low
Warlock: Low
Druid: Low
Demon Hunter: VERY HIGH
Death Knight: High
All applications will be heavily considered; but we’d prefer people to be at least 370+ ilvl! Please don’t hesitate to get in contact with me!
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First Heroic Dazar’alor run tonight - still got spaces for a couple of DPS to fill out our roster.
Open to ALL dps classes, with particular emphasis on: Monks, Demon Hunters, Death Knights, Paladins, and Priests.
Tank/Healer spaces are currently full, although exceptional applications will be heavily considered!
3/9 Heroic currently - need more DPS to fill the roster to quickly push through Heroic, and enable us to start Mythic!
Taking all DPS applications into consideration!-especially Warriors+DH+Monk!
5/9 Heroic
Looking for more DPS to fill our roster!
On the lookout for 1 Tank, 1 Healer, and a couple of DPS for Heroic Dazar’alor!
Healer wise we’re open to:
Tank wise we’re open to anything except a Death Knight
DPS wise we’re open to all classes/specs