Undead Night Elves in the Alliance? Lore?

I am unsure if we left the shadowlands in a better or worse state than when we arrived.

I am leaning towards worse.


I guess the difference is the Ebon Blade weren’t holding any territory the Alliance wanted to reclaim and had the personal vouching of Tirion Fordring.


the word of a n*utral :face_vomiting:

Listen, right! I… have no way to counter this.

(Even if it’d had worked, imagine waking in the afterlife to realize your beloved goddess used you as expendable currency/fuel for the soul-machines. :grimacing: )

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Why did it post twice? Silly forums.

In the end we are just cattle, waiting our turn to be made into resources for someone else.


Well Tyrande was open to welcome the undead Kaldorei back when they were first created, and that was even under the influence of the Night Warrior. It is save to assume she would still welcome them back now.

Brynja says: Rise! In the name of Sylvanas, the Banshee Queen, I bestow this gift upon you.
Tyrande Whisperwind says: You must fight the shadow in your hearts, sisters!
Delaryn Summermoon says: We placed our faith in you.
Sira Moonwarden says: And you abandoned us. Elune abandoned us!
Delaryn Summermoon says: We have nothing left. We are forsaken.
Tyrande Whisperwind says: Never again. Ash thoribas!

I wouldn’t call that Tyrande being open to welcoming the undead kaldorei back.


Doesn’t seem like she was against it either.

“You must fight the shadow in your hearts, sisters!”
At least she tried. :pensive:

Even when the world is engulfed in light, shadows remain.

Light must always have a source; yet the shadow will always persist.

Do not fight what is natural. :smiling_imp: :pray:

What if the light just destroys everything that can cast a shadow?

Not… that I want to inspire the motivation of the next expansion’s villains.

My interpretation is that she would have accepted them if they not started supporting Slyvanas…which btw still does not make sense at all.

She could have, but they rejected both Tyrande and Elune and turned to the Forsaken - as they were, as they said, forsaken. And why does it not make sense? Undeath twists the mind.

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The High Priestess is a jealous woman …A dangerous , jealous woman.

Soz it’s cosmically impossible

And yet even during her Night Warrior rage, even after everything Sira did during the Fourth War and after, she can’t bring herself to execute her. She has her right in front of her, Glaive to her neck, and just freezes and lets Maiev and Shandris (two people who also sympathise emensely with the Darkfallen Nelves) disarm her. Given how Maiev hopes Sira can find the same redemption she did as of 9.2 (after Sylvanas’ trial), I feel we’re likely to see some continuation of that story later when the Nelves crop up again.

From BfA to the end of Shadowlands it seems the consistent stance that the Nelves take to the undead Nelves is dismayed at their betrayal but ultimately sympathetic. So, I would not be all too surprised if they were able to find redemption and return to the Nelf fold.

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You answered your own question.

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An incredibly based one.

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I’ll welcome them with open arms and not try to interpret the vaguepost-tier comments our faction leaders have had when we get Dark Ranger NPCs frolicking within Alliance cities or camps and not just guarding the Undercity Ramparts.

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Since there is no definitive lore regarding it, I’d say it is up to the player to decide how his or her character is dealt with. I in some occasions, prefer the state when some things just are not dictated by the lore and it allows some player creativity.