Undermine(d) Update Notes

Crests should be named like this:

  • Heroic Crest
  • Mythic Crest

Heroic Crests would upgrade all your gear up to the max Hero level.
Mythic Crests would upgrade all your Myth track gear.

This makes it simple to understand since the name itself tells you what it does!

I would also remove Valor Stones so that upgrades are done purely with crests. Once you earn the achievements, your alts should either require only half the crests for upgrades or, ideally, get free upgrades altogether.

Another approach could be allowing players to farm crests on their main and send them to their alts but only if upgrades arenā€™t free.

For example:

  • If an upgrade costs 14 Heroic Crests, you cap it and get an achievement.
  • Then, you cap 14 Mythic Crests for myth track gear and get an achievement.
  • On alts, upgrades would only cost 7 crests instead of 14.

However, Iā€™d personally prefer if alts got a free pass on upgrades. That might mess with gear progression, so Iā€™m a bit torn on itā€”but honestly, I donā€™t care much about gearing my alts. I just want to jump into dungeons and raids, watch the numbers pop up, and have fun!

And we all know that a fully geared character is way more fun to play.

All of this is my dream scenario for how easy upgrading and gearing alts could be!

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I like this.I will top it up with:
Lets also get rid of adverturer and explorer gear.
They are both useless anyway.
Make veteran a little longer tracked maybe, to compensate.

Added the following change to the update notes:


  • The Gobfather drops a warbound-until-equipped item on the first kill each week per account rather than a random chance at equipment matched to a playerā€™s specialization.
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thank you for leaving the holy priest in the m+ healer trash tier, again.

see you in s3/midnight


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Well i usually got 1 loot / 100 world boss kill, so not much changing. Good for those who have alts i guess.

I looks like the most disappointing addition to the game ever. And that includes the Z Cavern from DF. Ugly. Aimed to be funny, but it will not. Why do you do this?

Also, why isnā€™t there finally an option allowing us not to see the talking heads??? Currently Iā€™m running Emerald Nightmare on a lot of alts for mogs. Malfurion, with dialogue off or not, is the most annoying thing in the game for me atm! Let us not see the talking heads!

There is an addon called silence, which hides talking heads and sounds.

Yep, thatā€™s how we all are feeling. The War Within ā€œHeroā€ Talents and blizzardā€™s failed experimenting with healer / tank relations in prepatch ruined our spec (which was never meta in Dragonflight, but at least it was viable and has its unique flavor) and weā€™ve been left to rot for 6 months.

Blizzard decided to make some ā€œmajor changesā€, but it was clear from the start that it would be a failure, because:

  1. Out of 6 global issues
    (1)many dead talents,
    (2)many dead abilities, including signature abilities like Prayer of Mending, Spirit of Redemption.
    (3) lack of any effective AoE healing,
    (4) low mobility
    (5) lack of defensive utility
    (6) lack of offensive ability (i.e. interrupt or silence)

They tried only one issue - lack of AoE healing - by buffing PoH and HW: Sanctity and nerfing our overall healing at the same time.

Result: PoH is still unviable and not worth using in m+. HW: Sanctity is an okay spell, that we could use every 30-45 seconds to fill a small gap before returning to spamming flash heal / heal / HW: Serenity to deal with an AoE damage.

Iā€™ve been testing Holy Priestā€™s new talents in M+ the past 2 days. The dungeons are greatly nerfed, but in 11-12 keys I can already feel total uselesness of PoH. Empowered Renew is trash even in low keys.