Unholy DK pvp nerfs are too much - Blizzard review

I wasn’t saying he’s wrong or right. I was just pointing out that rating flaming people who disagree with you is stupid.

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Ret and SP got buffed through the moon

  • watch this space, mark my words. Ret and SP will dominate.
    expect crying to shift to SP and RET on patch

the forums gonna be hella gratifying come reset day

there was 2 DKs in the AWC so far.
there was 4 mages, 4 rogues, 3 hunters, 4 palas, and i lost count how many evokers

if by represented you mean, we managed to be played finally … great.
but rank1 players dont generally pick DK, they arent good top end, they fill niche circumstances like 1 shot comps

comps they fill usually
WWmonk DK. or DH / DK and occasionally Warrior/dk

literally the best spec in shuffle above 1800 right now

ah sure, your other account… :joy:

peak delusional

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Don’t worry, i will still play my low rated UDK from my second account and destroy your rear :slight_smile: because if you were bad against UDK (the reason you hate UDK), you will still be bad against it even after the nerfs :joy:

Same for the other guys giving hate to UDK :grin:

love the game being balanced around shuffle and blitz.

this is what should matter:

funny thing is the dps above uhdk, feral and fmage stay basically the same and afflock dmg nerf is not close to as significant as the uhdk one. great stuff.

And all these people who always say that it is not their main account and have hidden details, or who say that they have another account where it is above, why are you afraid to show your face with your main account? You lose a lot of credibility by doing that.

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It should be balanced only around shuffle and blitz. 3v3 is such an outdated mode, who even wants to find random people in the lfg or chat just to be able to queue?

This mode should be left only on AWC where it belong, it is what killed wow pvp for many players when other games such as lol,dota cs, implemented solo q model. Blizzard just was blind as always and didn’t catch up the right tendencies.

There is not a single pvp game where you need premade of 3 players just to be able to queue.


thats the beauty of wow as an mmo. or it was i should say.
nowadays people play this game to log on, press soloq and zugzug in high damp. instead of finding mates and trying to improve as a comp/team. thats fun and rewarding. pressing w in shuffle gettin welfare 2.4 is lame af.
its sad but ye ur right. its the spirit of the current time unforch.

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Not gonna lie DK’s did some overtuned damage topping charts in all games but i also feel like 15% is a bit overkill.

They should really start with 5% and then possibly another 5% if needed next week.

When did Blizz became so reckless with the changes? 15% is a big number in PvP.


ur going down for this

Arena has nothing to do with mmo experience tbh. Its pure session model of gaming where you spam q again and again.

Outdoor pvp for mines/herbs/spot and duels with all its drama is an mmo experience, at least it was before they removed servers and made a shards.

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The problem with the spec is, we do way to much cleav dmg. Mes sayed a good think he was all the game on the lock did 10 mil dmg. He didn’t target the shami but did 7 mil dmg to him. That’s a problem with the class design and not the class or the player. We have too many things what do dmg on other targets we can’t control. If its one of the 10 pets we have, dot dmg or coil cleav or d&d. We need single target coil, we need necro strike back what absorbs heal and everything will be good. They just reworked the class and I think we have to wait again 10y till they will fix it. And yeah the nerf what can we say it’s the same thing every season I know it before the season started uh dk will be weaker again. Play rogue main or mage and you will be every season best class in pvp true or true

What are you on about? It was one of the most represented melee in 2v2 and very high in 3v3.
I could walk in and pop CDs and doing 1.2-1.5 mil burst aoe DPS and around 600-800 steady.

We did to much Aoe damage and that is mostly dots and some death coil/scourge strike cleaves. So dots needed the nerf. Sometimes I’ve done millions of dmg on a target i didn’t even target
I feel pretty strong after nerfs aswell. Death coil nerfs feels abit, but won’t kill the specc.


no it wasnt. it was #6 melees and #9 overall dps.
where it was more represented in 2s was lower rating below 1.8 and such but even there it was #5 overall.
3s is the same picture.

thats true. but thats what dipset also said.

it kills st and u need st in the comps that are strong for uhdk.

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in regards to dmg profile the rework wasnt that crazy. major changes were that coils now crit with proccs and ebon fevor effects all dots instead of just virulent plague.
problem is that just these 2 changes inrease cleave potential immensly.
its shouldnt be too hard to fix it for pvp tho. blizz would have to adjust some pvp modifiers to make st better, or buff clawing or a pet build for pvp substantially. there are options.

i watched Mes the other day and he had a interesting design idea for unholy.
he suggested to maybe nerf overall dots a lil more and then change necrotic wounds so that additionally to the existing effects, the stacks would also increase the dot dmg on the target.
with that, passive aoe rot would be prevented and dots would only tick hard on targets that the dk actively hits and stacks wounds on.

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Go frost dk then and u se how bad we are instead, unholy still op.

We have reviewed the nerfs, we have come to the conclusion they weren’t enough, so we’re gonna put Death Grip on knockback DR now.
We’ll also be removing chains from horse pets.
Additionally, we’ll be normalizing DK slow to 50%.

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Dk dmg looks still fine, as long as u dont plan to go for r1

dk needed a cleave nerf but not like that without any compensation for st. in details it will still look fine overall ye, but st suffers too much.
u will see. above 1.9 in 3s dk is currently in the 54 percentile of lower representated dps speccs. its still early and uhdk will fall off.
what blizz should do is buff underperforming speccs, of which they did a few now but some are still left out, and meanwhile not nerf the sh*t out of slighty overperfoming ones while leaving the absolute top dogs untouched.
like ur specc almost doubles dk representation above 1.9.
and i dont ask for feral nerfs i ccl, but that that specc is basically untouched while uhdk gets nuked is crazy.

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