Unpopular Opinion: Kobolds are cool and should be made as a playable race

I know right!

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LOOK im not even kidding .
just imagine this dude beating you in pvp :rofl: :rofl:

https : //files .catbox. moe/2xqtb6.jpg

remove the space before .

I know thats the kobold look. He looks happy, but I would first like to see the tortollan from bfa :slight_smile:

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It’s not a race I’d be excited to see but I am but one player. We’ve been working with them in TWW so it’s possible they could be an allied race.

with 2 big swords on their back
like ninja turtles leonardo cartoon :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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infact one of my friends made a nice model with racials for them too .
you guys can look at it here.
https: //alexandrovalexey. artstation .com/projects/WKBQEE
he is very talented

They have interest on keeping record of things with scrolls and interest in exploring so I imagine some sort of adventuring tortoise with magical capabilities would be fun as the sage too :dracthyr_a1:

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I will take your candle.

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  1. Lore wise makes 0 sense. They were always hostile towards us and we exterminated them any chance we get.
  2. They are fugly.
  3. What would be the point anyway? You would get a useless racial, a “starting zone” with one quest that leads you to the capital, a mediocre heretige armor and thats it. Your gear would hide your features anyway.

I would prefer if they were expand upon already existing ones with new starting experience and racial reworks.

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Don’t also forget we have been waiting for playable Murlocs too!

On a more serious note, we need more toys that allow us to transform into a specific race with a long duration and which doesn’t get removed on death or ability use or using teleportation or transportation. Similar to the Coin of Many Faces, but with targeted race/sex combination instead of random.

As long as they don’t give them the night elf animations AGAIN I’m happy. It’s amazing how often they recycle those horrible animations.

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Yes you are.

Help yourself .take as many as u like

Please, no. I can’t stand kobolds, neither how they look nor their squawky shouty voices.

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I agree

that that’s an unpopular opinion

Oh, but I will.

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They are Rats? Or what are they? :thinking:
If they would be cute rat people not these abominations who would put a decaying corpse of a naked molerat to same with their look they would have a chance to be remotely interesting