Wait, you aren’t a giant shapeshifting aztec with mega-regeneration and tusks IRL?
Wait, you aren’t a giant shapeshifting aztec with mega-regeneration and tusks IRL?
I found Orgrimmar a city of bricks and left it a city of marble.
Damn pcu bringing in at least 40 roleplayers in a city…
Wish they’d just leave tbh
Yes. It’s a shame it need be said at all, but absolutely this.
As said, I think it’s quite exciting as an RPer to have a city suddenly seem so different. Feel safe for some characters, and very “walking on eggshells” for others.
Hell, attending the last RP-PvP event hosted was great fun because it felt very much “the devil you know” for the character I brought along.
yeah unfortunately this xpac has brought with it some less than desirable RP elements
Can’t speak about Orgrimmar as I barely RP on Horde ( a shame I think but I just find it hard to get into), but I got a question for you Windflayer.
Are you Rowdy Sparrows the same guild that used to be on Alliance? One of them told me that they’d gone Horde but were known as the Sunchasers first, so to now see the name on Horde…
This seems to be a subtle dig of a thread.
PCU is bad,
Every day it’s lawson’s birthday but…
there is no party 24/7…
3/10 would not party hat.
You know it’s the end of times when not even hamburgers can bring joy anymore.
How about… beerburgers?!
Can you eat beer?
I’ve never really understood the hate for the PCU. They really don’t seem that bad.
I think distinct difference in IC (overall good quality from the sounds of it) and OOC (like or dislike, heavy on the memery etc ) along with a few misunderstandings in the past are to blame.
I try to give the benefit of the doubt, even though I am in fact one of those who have butted heads with them on the forums before. At the end of the day, I don’t have time or energy for silly grudges, and can only hope others don’t judge/grudge too harshly
Preposterous! AD doesn’t do subtlety.
Since the Cataclysm hit, Orgrimmar has been pretty much the same.
Guilds come and go. Sometimes they stand by the piss tree, sometimes by the pond, other times in the tavern or the barracks. But it is always the same.
I imagine it goes hand in hand with the narrative of the current war and the different ideals of the usual hub characters within it, those that are critical or downright against the current Warchief naturally feeling more and more threatened by the Loyal Horde forces, you’re dangerous PCU, like wolves preying on the sheep!
I haven’t been around much to really comment on Orgrimmars current state of affairs. When it comes to the main story narrative, I can see how people are put off or unsure. The Rotgarde or any Forsaken RP in general may have a good bit of material to work with though, bit of a power grab now that their Queen is in charge.
If this may give people some inspiration or idea, I have a Blood elf who is rather loyal to his Lord and his people. The elves relationship with Sylvanas has always been a complicated one since her turn. But with her moves lately, he is very weary of the Forsaken and is keeping a close eye on them while seeking to protect his own kind from any damage that may come from their actions.
Shame I just moved to Horde too :<
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