Unpopular Opinions

Here’s an unpopular opinion, while I appreciate the Maccies nuggets… they’re overated.


The chicken selects (aka tendies) are nicer


The wraps are alright too, ngl.

The so called scandals were alot more than you claim. Though

In the Weinstein case, I do not condone harassement or threats, but he was fired and critized for racist remarks both in and outside of said letter towards minority students.

In the Sheperd case, as far as I read up, it was -alot- more to the whole discussion than what you claim, but ultimatly she never took a stance against trans people, but a neutral approach.

In the Strumia case, that is honestly just sexism when I read through that.

As for furthermore, the idea of you getting fired for nothing and “truth is irrelevant” is factually false. In cases of people being fired, they have been complete tools that have broken either company laws, or country laws and been nothing but disrespectul and rude for the sake of being it.

PC is nothing harmful, it is about having a sense of human desency and treat people with atleast slight respect.

What is harmful however is the rampart growth believing in lies about it because people are upset they get told off for being, well, sexist and racist.

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I do wonder if the grande big mac is as big as they make out.

Their sauces are also really :nauseated_face:too

I’d prefer if they made the secret sauce from El Maco which apparently only exists in Finland into a dip option across the board when ordering McNuggets.

At this point I never order them on their own. If I’m feeling really hungry, I’ll order a few as a side to compliment the main meal.

It’s a mix of Sour Cream and secret spicy sauce according to the website

The tomato sauce which comes with the cheese bites is 100% better than ketchup to be honest, I think it’s probably made from something that vaguely resembles a tomato at least.

Except that these below aren’t random and isolated incidents. These people were selected because they voiced out an opinion which was opposed to the PC claims in public places that should be open to discussions.

In many studies, it is reported that students feel unsafe reporting their political opinion on university campuses, because they fear being harassed and attacked. If you were to look at the video I showed you, you’d know Weinstein argues that his case wasn’t an isolated incident at all and that, rather, people are costantly policing other individuals, enforcing on them their views.

Furthermore, even if you were to argue against each people’s experience, to dismiss the cases I highlighted as “random incidents” means to devalue the common denominator in all of these cases, which is that PC seeks to establish forms of oppression.

Oh, and I am liberal.

In many cases, it is argued that today’s PC is giving absolutely zero benefit to employment and has made relationships more tense. It doesn’t help productivity or stability in workplaces (again, for example, see James Damore, but there are other cases here of people being fired, such as that woman that designed video games and was fired for an outspoke twitter comment).

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He didn’t neglect it- The entire video literally spends the first twenty seconds or so explaining why is he doing this, what’s the context behind it (pranking his GF), and even goes on to say that it’s supposed to be horrible- Hence, saying that the word used is horrible.

That seems like the most detailed context you can get, or at the very least well within the parameters of taking the necessary steps to prevent your content or words being misused.

Then they should have quantified it. Moreover, death threats themselves fall under criminal law- Which in this case would mean that the police would have went straight after the actual people who threathened the community- Not somebody who hasn’t spoken a word about targeting this specific ethnic group, ever, in his videos.

It’s really not that simple a case.

If I was a blogger and encouraged you to enjoy life and eat pizza- And the next day a bunch of people eat it and one of them dies out of cardiac arrest, am I guilty of manslaughter or promoting suicide?

That’s a ridiculous hyperbole, I could craft a more accurate and detailed one for the case but you get the point. You have to be absolutely and with complete certainty to be able to make the causality between the two events- Which, in this case for example could have included the guy calling out an ethnic group and saying this is aimed to offend them, or that he encourages people for violence against these groups- Both of which he’s denounced and discouraged multiple times throughout his channel’s history.

That’s the thing though, my argument never was that “Btw this isn’t within UK’s legislation/they can’t do this”.

It was that “I don’t think this should be a thing in any western civilizations law”. It isn’t for example in the Finnish Law.

It could have been a lot worse and like he said himself he was 100% sure it was going to be jail straight from there, especially since he used his closing speech turn with his lawyer to basically tell that he’s not going to pay a fine or do community service or anything else, since he believes he’s done nothing wrong (Essentially telling the judge that the only way you get him “paying” for his crimes is by forcing it either through jailtime or repo, idk).

It is indeed up to him- Like he’s said, the day the fine of 800 pounds was due some time ago, and they still haven’t taken him to jail, though they are legally allowed to do it now.

I’m curious, you keep playing the issue down and saying it’s unimportant, but what’d be in your view be an appropriate number of cases until you’d take it seriously? Twenty? Hundred? A thousand? Both those that get to public light and those that don’t?

It seems awfully dismissive- And while I’m not making (and never have) that we’re nearing the apocalypse or anything alike, equally I think it’s petty at the very least and dubious at worst to paint whoever disagrees with you as grasping on straws- When they are literally replying to the critique you gave.

Lmao what?

This just in: Science is sexist.

cool thread


Firstly, I never said the cases were “random”, merely isolated. So I’m going to ignore all of the stuff directed at counter arguing their randomness, because that’s completely irrelevant to what I actually said.

Secondly, one guy reporting on what his colleagues experience on one campus, or indeed even a few campuses, does not change the fact that against the vein of the entire higher education scene, these can be considered isolated incidents not indicative of the entire domain. One cannot use the blueprint of people’s experiences in WW2 Germany to make the claim that Europe as a whole was anti-Semitic because comparatively on the world stage, what was occurring there was isolated.

So I guess what I’m trying to say is can anyone arguing that this stuff is on the whole happening commonly actually produce any proof to ascertain this? A selection of high profile cases and anecdotal accounts of those involved about the apparent experiences of their colleagues will not be enough to convince me the entire of the institution of higher education is under the “leftist jackboot” which needs addressing “before it’s too late”.

And regarding the “done more damage” to employment etc. I’m just going to have to hard disagree there. That some people find the climate more irksome now which makes them feel bad about “society in general” because of “having to watch their mouths” in no way compares to certain demographics of society actually being widely employable now, not being chased of certain living accommodations or residential areas, being assaulted in the streets or their own homes. I’m sorry, there’s just no comparison here. If we need a stifling climate to actually stop people slipping back into those behaviors then I prefer that to the period before, because I’m sorry, that kind of stuff is just not on, and people seem to forget that’s where PC actually came from, not the “FOTM” variant we see being preached about now (which is just an extreme interpretation of the general theme of PC anyway)

@ Atalahni (didn’t see your post till mine) it’s not about a number. It’s about proportion. That fact that cases sit as a minority against their converse interpretation (that people generally agree with the PC thrust) tells me that’s where the sentiment sits. What I am doing is no more dismissive than you insisting on the evidence that Elenthas brings to the fore actual evidence that Dankula was targeting specific individuals. If me insisting on a standard of proof to set a precedent is dismissive, then I’ll be the first to buy you a drink when you get your invitation to the same club in the post.

Also, you keep quoting “the public good” “goodwill”. That’s why a certain proportion of cases of this is irrelevant. If they sit as a minority, how can it plausibly be claimed that such violation pose a threat to a “general goodwill”. If anything it highlights that the majority disagrees with their interpretation of the common good, which given it’s called common good, is pretty central to the concept surely?


Equating Strumia’s presentation at CERN with science is giving him way more credit than he is due. Science is peer-reviewed - Strumia earned a powerful rebuke from his peers with his presentation.


Whilst I agree to that statement, you don’t need to be immune in order not to pay any attention :man_shrugging:

Sure you can blame him out for being blunt about it, but science’s pretty clear on the fact that in the most egalitarian countries (nordic countries) men and women differ the most in terms of their career and free time choices.

That’s a fact. If you picked a random woman and a random man from a pool of thousand people each and asked which one of them is more likely to work in STEM fields and you betted the man you’d be right 90% of the time.

Now, does that mean that woman are WORSE at it? No. Does it mean that Women are not inclined to scientific work? Yeah, the empiric evidence is 100% clear on that. That doesn’t mean you can’t try or be one.

I don’t disagree with the basic premise. It’s absolutely true that there are more men involved in STEM fields than women. That’s fact. What can be debated is why that is the case.

It can very easily be reasoned that one of the major factors for this is that women are stigmatised for pursuing career paths that are both male dominated and traditionally masculine.


I have this thing for the stupid sweet and sour sauce from McDonalds… I know you can buy it bottled but I refuse and just silently use way too much of it that one time of the year when I actually go to McD.

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First you had my curiosity, but now you have my attention


What a powerful post.

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No that’s not true.

Women actually perform way better than men do in the academic world- Therefore, you’d easily make the assumption that they’d dominate the business fields and the sciences- But, ta-da, they don’t.

The easy answer a lot of people fall into is that “it’s due to a social construct”. No, sorry, that’s wrong. The empirical evidence is absolutely crystal clear on that, especially on the big five.

Women especially generally score higher on agreeableness than men do- And men on the other hand are generally more assertive than women are. Women also score higher on neuroticism- Which paired together, make women less likely to work on jobs that are under a lot of peer scrutiny (as is the very definition of science), pressure, and a lot of self evaluation and defending your points or getting them across.

That’s not sexism, and certainly not a social construct. That’s biology, right there.

And while this doesn’t mean that women can’t be great scientists (on the contrary!), and the actual difference between men and is something like 60/40 on the normal distribution, so it’s not terribly high difference, but it shows as a very big % of men on the ladder because high-end scientific jobs and managerial positions also require a lot of IQ- Which narrows down the normal distributions of both genders even further- Which means, that men are represented even more proportionally.

Also this gender inequality only ever seems to go down one way- Why for example aren’t people making an issue of the fact that women mostly dominate the educational jobs? Or healthcare/nursing jobs? What about men being over-represented in tasks like firemen, policemen, or garbage truck drivers or genuinely most manual labor tasks?

Because they are non-issues. Just like the STEM thing is, and other career paths are. We’re biologically influenced to choose our jobs, way more than what people give credit for- But it is, way easier to tell that “Nah it’s actually this mean culture around us”.


science isn’t real