Unpopular Opinions

Unpopular Opinion: Classic is overhyped.


Most people who want Classic are WOTLK Babies… Even they never experienced 50% of what Classic experience truly was.

Personally I’m not too fond of looking in the past… Rose tinted glasses are dangerous. Pretty most people who’ll fall for Classic will complain about how inconvinient it is.

Let’s wait.


I’m only going to give it a look if I can use HD models.

I mean, the demo had all the bells and whistles of modern WoW sans the models. It’s already not “true” vanilla. It won’t be true vanilla unless fans of it all universally agree to play on a 4:3 CRT, running at 14fps, no addons draw distance set to two feet and so forth.

I could at least see some appeal in classic gameplay if it had a new coat of paint. Trouble is every time you suggest it as an optional feature you get beaten over the head with REEEEEEE NEXT YOU’LL WANT LFDTRANSMOGBADGEGEARTALENTROWSDEATHKNIGHTS REEEEEE SLIPPERY SLOPE REEEEEEE regardless of the fact that models would not impact gameplay in any way.

Likewise, the only way I can see myself staying for any length of time is if they support the use of HD models. Otherwise the game will just look too dated and frankly, hurt my eyes if I play it too long.

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They aren’t, it’s Classic and will remain Classic. :stuck_out_tongue:

But it already isn’t classic. If the demo is accurate it’ll have Direct X11 support, wide screen resolutions, greatly extended draw distance, real time shadows and far more besides. Not to mention battle(dot)net chat integration. The only thing absent were the HD models, which iirc were found in the demo files, it’d literally be a case of toggling a switch to make them available in the options.

I’m sorry but “It has to be pure classic!” doesn’t fly tbh. Not unless, as said, everyone agrees to only play in 4:3, minimal draw distance, caps fps at 15 and doesn’t use any ‘new’ addons that will inevitably come out. They have openly admitted it’ll be more akin to 1.13 running on the modern WoW engine, rather than a literal recreation of 1.12 exactly as it was. As such they could add HD models and, besides the inevitable rage that will occur, within a week it’ll be accepted and people will either use them or won’t.

Some servers that I won’t name here are using the HD models from WoD. Which are also vanilla. Please don’t ban me for mentioning this Blizzard. There might be a way but how exactly? No idea.

As above, I’m positive I heard the models were datamined in the classic demo client. It does not surprise me since it literally is modern WoW’s engine, but the actual content is rebuilt in an imitation of classic. It had all the modern graphical options, only the toggle for models was absent.

It’s more than feasible. Some point to the class animation updates, but there was a point BEFORE those updates where the HD and Old models worked together seamlessly.

I don’t normally armchair dev but I’m positive they just need to implement the toggle, since all that’s happened is they turned the old models on then deleted the option to turn back to the new ones.

Has anyone ever answered -why- they decided to remove that toggle option in the first place? It doesn’t give you an advantage. It’s just on your screen, nobody elses. It doesn’t do anything other than just being for the player.

Just why?

Something something pure vanilla.

I don’t know, frankly. Maybe it was the easiest thing to remove in time for the demo? Maybe the other options can’t be outright removed?

Remove weapons and armour from the game entirely. All damage should be done by hurling bad language only.

Sylvannas is actually a good warchief from a lore standpoint but is clearly being made into a Garrosh 2.0

Tbh even if you have no moral qualms with what she’s doing and only concerned with the warfare, Sylvanas is still really bad at her job. Compared with Garrosh who was made Warchief in Cata and set about winning on just about every front, Sylvanas is achieving at most scorched earth victories and is losing more important territory than any other Warchief, not to mention all the personnel losses in the process. Any territory gained is purely through circumstance bringing in new allies, rather than any military victory.

She started BFA completely on her own terms, is taking a bunch of losses for it and even managed to lose her own capital in the process, and as of the current patch is losing on all fronts (note the contrast with Garrosh).

She is trying to be this warmongering boss but she’s not even good at the job. Garrosh is better at being Sylvanas than she herself is.


Except she’s not. As Chíeun has rightly explained - Garrosh would be better at doing Sylvanas than Sylvanas is at the moment.

Literally the only reason why the Horde has to put up with her is down to poor story writing and a small but hysterically loud fanbase. Garrosh could brush off the whole Vol’jin assassination attempt because

  1. Vol’jin directly threatened him in front of key Horde figures
  2. Garrosh spent an entire expansion proving himself to be a good Warchief.
    2a) Vol’jin did practically nothing other than score brownie points by saying “The horde is my people” -after- accepting an invitation to hear Zul’s grand scheme for world domination.
  3. On the back of said success Garrosh also invaded a new continent to bypass the Alliance stranglehold on Kalimdor’s resources, and did it successfully.

We then look to Sylvanas who publicly arrests one of the main leaders of the Horde (and one of the representatives of it’s “honourable” side), it would have been more Sylvanas’ style to assassinate Baine, yet she makes a big show that largely backfires when you talk to the other Horde leaders present.

So on top of the things mentioned above - Territorial loss, military defeats and no real damages inflicted on the Alliance she also brings self-inflicted morale loss to the Horde. What reason would -any- Tauren (note: not Forsaken in a Tauren costume) have for siding with Sylvanas now?

She has created the rallying point to her own insurrection against her rule. Not having the Tauren on side means she can’t even control -Half- of Kalimdor. What’s left? Orgrimmar? Zuldazar and Silvermoon are distant and the former are recent editions with a highly idealistic leader.
Talanji is very much presented in the Zandalari introduction scenario as being the alternative brand of Queen, a proper Queen who puts her own subjects first.
Lets not forget Lor’themar made it clear he was willing to put the Blood Elves into the Alliance over Garrosh - who is considerably less of a bad warchief - and not to mention now with burning Teldrassil (war crimes) and an internal division with his own people (Void Elves) it could look mighty opportunistic and P R A G M A T I C to again make overtures to court the Alliance.

But you know she can screech like a frog and propel herself into the air through fanbase powered noxious effusions and everything be :ok_hand:


Judging from the response to the Liveblog:

While I agree that “120” is a daunting goal as a level, specially for new players, I absolutely detest the idea of a Level Squish. This mainly stems from how blizzard handled the stat squish for BfA, and the myriad of factors MORE surrounding tuning around the level your character is, amongst other things.

A better solution would be to simply give players who have a lot of alts a cumulative experience bonus each time they hit the current expansion’s cap.
After all, if you’ve done the content on both factions why do you need to do it -again- ?

Personally I’d love a level squish. However, I also think it should only be done with (another) old world overhaul that also makes every zone in Kalimdor/EK scale up to max level so that you can level wherever you want, whenever you want.

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Until they bite you and you get rat bite fever and die of endocarditis

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#worthit #noragrets

It’s the classic case of Blizzard being incapable of telling the story they’re trying to tell.