If only it were so. In WoW whomever is favoured by the plot wins. Your weapon of choice does not matter.
As another example, if the mogu actually won(or were winning but some deus ex machina happened) they could have said something like… malnourished slaves had no chance against an iron phalanx of literal giants wielding really long glaives. By any stretch of imagination pandaren should have been roflstomped but plot demanded them to succeed.
You know I actually had that idea for this gal before I found out you couldn’t roll a Worgen Monk, doing a sort of redemption or a born again story but I guess edgy Sabina shall just have to remain as a Edgelady.
Fair enough, perhaps not the most successful example there since my knowledge of pandaren lore is pretty weak. But the point still stands, I think plot always comes first in WC.
I mean you don’t need to look any further than the demon hunters. Supposedly some of the more powerful warriors Azeroth could boast yet their weapons are technically garbage.
are… are you gonna add why, or are you just gonna throw this out there and leave it at that? Because the whole point of their weird, clunky weapons is that no one knows how to fight such unwieldy weapons that only really work in the hands of one specific type of person, namely, an Illidari.
Your basic demon hunter glaive is a curved double sword. The only way a double sword would work practically is if you had two longer blades and used the weapon more like a staff(so, just a single double sword). Historically the latter actually existed afaik. But something like dual wielding warglaives was never done.
In fact dual wielding itself is somewhat looked down upon in certain HEMA circles. At least dual wielding two longer blades at once because there is simply no space, they will tangle and get in each-other’s way.
This doesn’t even begin to cover all the issues you’d have when fighting with dual war glaives. In the video they’re using rapiers which do not require as much range of motion to be effective since they are mostly about stabbing, and thrusting. When he picks up scimitars he has no idea what to do against someone with proper pair of weapons. But here are a couple of bullet points:
*Limited mobility. They are made for spinning motions… which is something you do when dancing, not fighting. The blades at the back have little to no practical application otherwise besides being dead weight and looking cool.
*Very limited range, you won’t be outpoking your opponent with curved swords.
*The weapon would be best suited for cutting, slashing, hacking, but due to having its weight compromised by having a blade on each side it would actually lack force compared to a normal curved sword. Most of the weight has to be in the handle / pommel.
*Would probably be one of the least effective weapons against armour(and so many demons actually seem to wear some) but in WoW swords can magically cut through armour.
*What sort of a formation would demon hunters fight in as a group? They cannot form any sort of coherent ‘shield wall’ since their style of fighting takes up a lot of room and requires them to be in motion at all times. Wasn’t necessarily an issue before Legion when we were led to assume they are all loners but then as the class was introduced they created a whole faction for demon hunters that supposedly do go on missions together.
Here’s another video that reviews a somewhat similar sword.
I’ll admit that I didn’t read this fully, perhaps you addressed it, but Demon Hunters aren’t your average human combatants. They’re enhanced, fast as fr*ck boiii hyper-aggressive magical hunter people. I’m not sure of the way everyday humans would handle those weapons really matters in that context.
Well, what bothers me about arguments such as this is that what happens if they meet an opponent who is just as powerful but actually uses practical weapons?
As a slightly different example, imagine two evenly matched vrykul duelling, except one is ‘titan’s gripping’ and the other is using a single two-handed weapon properly. Logically the latter guy with the one sword would crush the former opponent.
Super spicy headcanon: DHs use bad weapons (glaives) because they know they are super specialised against their chosen enemy (demons), so they can use the glaives to show off and win anyway.
If they do that they get messed up, because they’re not doing their thing right. They’re hunters, not duelists. Their whole thing is exploiting the prideful nature of the Burning Legion.
Demon Hunters are unable to throw glaives unless they specifically ate the soul of a demon who threw glaives.
My headcanon is that they never ate the soul of a demon who used axes, or swords, or maces, and they’re just too embarrassed to admit that their chosen weapons are dumb.