Upcoming Class Tuning Changes - 6 April

I wish this one had a developer note like some of the others, because I’m pretty clueless right now what the goal of it is.

If it is an attempt at buffing assasination aoe for m+, this buff is really minor. Fan of Knives makes up maybe 10-15% of the overall damage for assasination so this would be 3-5% buff to that.

But that’s only for non-Necrolord rogues. With the recent release of double legendaries, a lot of them switched to Necrolord. Necrolord replaces a lot of the Fan of Knives casts with Bonespike casts, so this buff matters even less to them.

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so the ppl who gonna be able to have 4p wont gonna have that much fun like ppl who were raiding and getting 4p from there. thanks a lot. at the end wont be a point of gearing up when the class will be weak after nerfs.

in pvp is huge 4 seconds instead of 3 means more fv inside seraphim :smiley:

Demo will still be nice bh you are overreacting

Any update or thoughts to revert the CDR change to Frozen Orb? That 0.50 → 0.25 nerf killed the entire flow of the spec. Please don’t make such decisions by only looking at the numbers of what’s happening in the 26-30+ key range…

So you’re nerfing demonology warlocks only damagewindow outside of the ridicolous demonbolt build? Which is exactly what should have been nerfed. Not the tyrant. Demo has enough of a hard time dealing consistant damage and keeping the pet alive from mere cleave damage in PvP and are only potent during the tyrant window, which by the way is super easy to counter bc of cc and or hide from them. As a long time demolock main I think this spec is insanely slept on and should get more looked into, this is a clear indication on that the people making these changes doesn’t have any insight on the matter. Come on Blizzard. Please.

I’m not sure how accurate this is but according to wowmeta m+ rankings from april 1st WW and Fire Mage are both in the top 5 performing specs. Meanwhile, BM sits at the bottom and isn’t being touched?

And of all the cosmic trinkets you’re nerfing, you’re focusing on the one that actually makes PvP playable considering Demolock/Frost mage or any other castercomp with the Echoing Resolve trinket, which is the one that SHOULD be nerfed, cc is rng bc of it and makes arenas unplayable imo. Makes me not wanna play this season at all, I mean COME ON. Why dod you have to keep coming with these kind of things in pvp??? Just keep PvP plain and simple… atleast ranked PvP. No leggy effects, conduits, covenant spells etc. Just the ordinary pvp trinkets and ordinary conquest gear and the class as it is. Ranked pvp shouldn’t be anything else. Plain. and. simple.

Clearly ahead… yeah.

The blood death knight 4-set almost doubles their ST output…

We’ve waited so long for these kind of comments on patches :heart:

I just did 2 keys (16&18) with 2 different WW monks, both of them did 10-13k dps on all bosses, while doing 60k+ on trash. To be honest I dont understand why they needed 40% ST buff. I even asked them if they felt they needed the ST buff, both of them said: not really. So while monks AOE is miles ahead of most of classes, their ST dmg have to be decent too? It really doesnt make any sense for this buff.

As a Necro bois this is even better …

Also indirect buff to 4 pc

I looked those notes 20 times…i still can’t believe it XD

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Normally I whince when I see ret mentioned in the list, it usually means they’ve ‘fixed’ something that indirectly nerfs us, or is just a straight up nerf normally thanks to pvp.

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I actually didn’t expect any change until 10.0 , let alone a buff.

I’ll take it.
Especially happy about the divine storm buff and 2 PC one.

Our 4pc is still awful…

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Buffing 4 abilities by 10% each does not make it a 40% ST buff. That’s not how math works.

I think the change is mostly aimed at raiding, where Windwalker monks perform rather poorly currently. They just can’t really balance the raid without it affecting M+ as well.


blizzards dev team never taking care of Shadow Priest’s dps. Thanks for 3 years of not fixing my talents tuning or anything :no_mouth:

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You are aware this was April fool, right?

Are you kidding me? Warriors littarly have the dead last spec in all PvE content (Arms) and a spec that is nerfed to the ground before it even got strong (Fury). That combined with a 3th spec that is basicly unplayable bieing protection…

You must have quit in Legion, cuz ever since BFA they’re rubbish…

looks like joke

Why should hunters go survival if they play BM. samt thing - BM sucks now, All hunters have to go Melee to make great dps, or go mm to be decent. BM is dead in compare.