Upcoming Darkmoon Faire and Valor Points Changes

It tracks backwards. So now we have week 4. Even if an alt get to start doing Heroics just now they can reach same Valor points as a toon that was doing it since the start. In short no matter when you start getting VP you’ll get to the same point as old characters as far as gearing using Valor goes. Previously you would only get 1600 from the current week missing out on what was before.

The visual display is bugged, when you spend valor it also removes that valor from your “total earned” for the season, so if you came into today with 1000 valor from last week it will show your total as being 1000/6400 even if you had already earned 4800 this season.

If you then earn 650 and spend your 1650 on a trinket, your total will now show 0/6400 for the season. The display is just bugged/broken.

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