Upcoming rework, Death Knights, when?

M+ post. If you’re one of the 23 people that Mythic Raid, please go away.

I find it hilarious how before the buffs Ret Paladins were roughly #4 in DPS spot and they got buffed to put them just behind DH.

Nvm the fact Rets have Blessing of Sac Protection, Freedom, Lay on Hands, Bubble, Dispels, can basically deal with all affixes, at the moment, Rets do almost as much damage as a DH, so not sure why you’d even bring a DH without CR or Bloodlust.

Meanwhile DKs have really freaking sucked this patch and get a measly improvement so they go from being F tier to C tier.

It’s blatant class favouritism spending so much time buffing an A tier class to S tier.

So any idea when FDKs might get a rework?

On that note, WW need a rework as well.


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Never gona happen and trust me as someone that trying for a whole expansion asking for Rework i should tell you DK is completely forgoten.

Frost DK’s got a flat 4% buff too in the last patch. But i agree the current tier with chill streak isn’t fun and playing around death and decays it a big hassle, not even thinking about weeks with sanguine where packs get moved full time.

DK’s can by the way also deal with basically every affix.

Ret was buffed due to it’s lack of performance in raid. All the classes that were buffed last time were suffering from low performance in the raid, including DKs.

Now if you look at the standing in raid before the buffs for those classes, I quoted Mythic but the effect is the same across all the difficulties:=

All percentiles

95th percentiles

You can clearly see the bulk of the classes that received a buffs were at the bottom. Windwalker had already received a rework buff which seems to be working well for them, before that they were also part of the low performance in raid gang.

I find it hilarious how people can’t accept that there is more than one game mode and that the buffs were needed. Some may need more tweaks ofc.

As a Ret main I find it amusing, rets have consistently underperformed in many expansions, there is a long running meme that Blizzard always fix rets so that they can’t do damage. Our rework this expansion (most of the way through S2) was really nice, although we were nerfed several times after due to issues in PvP and then returned back to the bottom of the raid chart, it remained fun to play.

I will never understand why some can’t just express the desire for a rework without bashing another class.

No they did not.

Ok a buff that wasn’t just a percentage of all damage like they’ve been getting for years.

Suddenly there was explosion of WW reappearing.

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Now that is the correct term. :smiley:

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Edited my previous post to reflect.

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Outside of Race To World First Mythic Raid and Championship MDI 60% Dungeon Cheese Pulls DK has been pretty meh ever since they introduced the Wounds system for UH and left Frost in the bin for 3-4 expansions.

I’ve given up and as you can see play something else now.

If anyone remembers an old Ion interview he straight out said they buff classes that arent being played a lot and they nerf classes that there are too many of.

A lot of the time it isnt about the performance of a class. Its sometimes not about the classes but about us.

I would love to see a source to that.

Well Ret should be F tier then since it’s easily the most played spec in the game after maybe BM hunter or fury war lool

Also, my post was aimed at M+ were last week rest were #4 in DPS, this week they are #2 but also have all the utility of a healing class.

They did not need any buffs, they are mega broken now and there’s no reason to take any other DPS except Ret unless you need bloodlust

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