Update from Ion in Shadowlands Beta General Discussion Forums

This kinda boils down to a thought i’ve always had about WoW recently, there’s too much power in players hands on to how other players can play. for exp, being able to see other players item level, before this, you could join a pug, try content, succeed or fail. that was the fun in it. Now, they only way you get a pug is if you meet the requirements other players set for the content, i.e being at a certain ilvl. even if Blizz put in a soft benchmark for required ilvl, a pug can refuse to take you if your not 10 ilvl high than that set by Blizz.

This now translates to the Covenant system which is where people are stressing, if you dont have a certain covenant ability that other players deem to be optimal, they can refuse you access to certain content.

Blizz’s idea of locking you into your choice tries to say, hey its done, im locked in, theres no changing it so lets just get this done. On paper this mindset makes sense but in game, again, the power is in other players hands and they can simply say no…

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It is usually not about balance when 1 is a big dps button, the other a speedboost and the next a whatever.

I play a Vulpera Mage. Balance clearly isn’t my priority.

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100% agreed.

That’s not the case for any of the CLASS covenant abilities.
The general ones, sure, but who cares. :blush:

As a wheelchair, i do care.
The diversity of my class abilities are also pretty wild by the way.

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I didn’t say it was your ‘priority’. :wink: (two can play this game).

Anyway, enough about this tbh. Blizzard made their minds up. All we can decide now is what we do with that knowledge. I’m ready for Shadowlands. Bring it on.

Filter log data by every permutation.

Sorry I assumed class. Your label said ‘paladin’, but in today’s society I shouldn’t have assumed. I deeply apologize. In my defense; I’ve never seen a hairy, horned wheelchair with hooves before. :innocent:

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According to Watcher, “paladin” isn’t enough these days. It should say “Kyrian Paladin” or “Venthyr Paladin” instead.

Personally, I always thought that was what specs did…


No, especially when the “added challenge” is perceived as unfairly imposed.

Nobody questions that. It doesn’t change the fact that many players wish to be optimal and wish to have the ability to make the choices that make them optimal.

If you don’t want to be optimal, don’t, but I don’t see how advocating that other players should be prevented from that is positive for the game. The only way to realize such a thing is by removing player choice, which is IMHO the wrong thing to do.

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If we don’t get to earn such titles ingame, I’m going to be disappointed. :upside_down_face:

I find it pointless though because transmogs would be covenant /and thus character/ locked making it rather efficient time waste for the sake of collecting.

Ion: Glad you could make it, Player.
Player: Watch your tone with me, dev. You may be the developer, but I’m still your superior as a customer.
Ion: As if I could forget. Listen, player, there’s something about the convents you should know. Oh no. It’s too late. These people have all been infected. They may look fine now, but it’s a matter of time before they turn into the angry customers.
Player: What?
Ion: The entire pulltheripcord must be purged.
Player: How can you even consider that? There’s got to be some other way!
Ion: Damn it, player. As your game company, I order you to purge pulltheripcord.
Player: You are not my game company anymore, blizzard. Nor would I obey that command if you were!
Ion: Then I must consider this an act of treason.
Player: Treason? Have you lost your mind, Ion?
Ion: Have I? Player, by my right of game developer, I give you the choice to unsub and suspend your account from service.
Player: Ion, you can’t just…
Ion: It’s done! Those of you who have the will to play this expansion, follow me. The rest of you… get out of my sight.
Player: You’ve just crossed a terrible threshold, Ion.
Ion: Player?
Player: I’m sorry, Ion. I can’t watch you do this.


I have this personal bet that at some point in the future, probably when the expansion after shadowlands is announced, someone from the dev team will say something like ‘let your class be your class’ to explain why they are not adding layers on top of your class in the form of borrowed power and instead they are reworking the talent system entirely.

The irony is they did exactly that for Shadowlands, praising how they’ll be more focused on “class identity” instead of specs.


Yes you will but scenarios change based on boss type/trash not per content you do. There is not such thing as best covenant for mythic+. There will be best covenant for dungeon A C E them bad for B and D.

Because it trickles down.
That’s the difference. People who don’t wish to be optimal (although that’s a bit silly to say; I think almost everyone wants to do well - just not everyone will obsess over it to the point where they feel the need to change their setup on a ‘content type’ or even ‘encounter’ basis) don’t spread their way of playing. But those who wish for optimal, DO spread it (trickle down effect).

Also; I’d like ‘make it harder to do that’, not prevent them.

This argument is stupid just like argument “if you dont like flying dont use it”. I hate flying yet i still use it becouse it would ve stupid to not use such covinienc. And no thats not my chouce this choice was made for me in moment Blizz opend up flying.

There is not such thing as option being optimal. If you can swap into being optimal people will do it no matter if they want it or not.

That’s your choice still: you want the convenience and value it above “immersion”, that’s why you chose to fly instead of remaining on the ground. The only stupid thing is not realizing that your own choices show what you actually value the most in the game.

Furthermore, in the discussion I’m not the one arguing that “you don’t have to be optimal”.