Update from Ion in Shadowlands Beta General Discussion Forums

And thata actualy where you are wrong. you just have to balancem out so each covenant have situations in all type of content where they can shine. If you make them conpettively equale you might also just remove them.

I don’t think the problem is their seriousness: it’s objectively difficult to balance stuff across multiple classes, specs, borrowed power systems for very different content types.

On top of that, Covenant abilities are inherently difficult to balance due to their diversity: there is no way to balance e.g. Soulshape and Fleshcraft across content.


and every DK will feel the need to have Soulshape from what I hear

That’s not going to work.

Players who care enough will play different characters for different content to be “optimal”.

Players who care but not enough will play the same character in different content and be dissatisfied when they are not “optimal”.

Players who don’t care, would not care anyway…

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Do not waste your time with that dude, Mukuro he will simp for every controversial thing that Blizzard does with 100% consistency.

Almost every other person will have variable opinions on things but you can always know what that guy will say by just reading the character name

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I have bad news for you. What customers think they want can be exacly reason why they quit buying your product. Imagine they let you free swap covenants. People will be like hurey we won and we are getting what we want. 1 month from now they quit game with words game is boring. Everybody is running around with same covenants there is no meaningfull choice at all and all mages feel like copy pasterino becouse of meta.

People can give feedback but it doeant mean its good for product. Specialy not when comes to game desing. In gaming lot of desing what annoys you and creates friction is exactly what makes game fun in the end. And this is what most player do not understand.

Currently Night Fae is the clear superior choice, but tuning has not happened yet.

It’s definitely difficult to balance an option giving increased mobility for a DK, which has low mobility per design.

It also arguably defeats the original vision of DKs having low mobility in the first place…

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Right until they stop paying for your goods and you go bankrupt. Excuse me for using a small logic shorthand - in economy, the customer is usually right because they are funding you, and if you think otherwise, you’re going to find out the hard way. It’s just that experience shows that ActiBlizz really makes more wrong decision than the correct ones.

Each time they do a crapshow like that, they lose more money long-term than they gain short-term. And it bites them in the backside later. This is not only wrong from ethical/moral viewpoint - they’re in practice shorting their customers - it’s stupid and bad for business because they could, y’know, NOT do all these wrong things, and make more profit.

…And promptly ignored a lot of things, only touching some and leaving unchanged other stuff that still needs fixing yesterday.

It’s in their power to fix. That they aren’t tells me everything that I need to know about their stance on meta.

They should not make some classes/specs hypermobile and others footslogging in the first place. Then they could fix that. But didn’t.

They could nerf Havoc to more reasonable ease of gameplay/performance ratio. Didn’t.

They could not bind Covenants - which ffs are like all other factions in the damned game - to additional player abilities, some of which have extreme synergy for X class/spec in Y situation, and others are situational or useless in Z content. But they did.

They want to bring meta down, they need to rethink their design of “keep adding hoops and watch how many players jump through them”. There will always be some players who do jump, if only because it gains them 0.1% DPS, or achievement, or mount, or because they wanted to.

Yup. In other words, cosmetic, of no real importance, so it doesn’t interfere with normal class/spec gameplay, has no extreme synergy, doesn’t allow for cheesing some mechanics, etc. And isn’t it time for us to have OUR abilities, not “begged from some watery tart/bargained from vampires” abilities? Are we not the bloody CHAMPIONS OF AZEROTH? :smiley:

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So you will jump into raid kill first boss then swap on different charcter to kill second boss? Lol thats like most boring way to play game.

Not really. But what the problem is the other spell…

And this skills will give you advantage on high mobile boss fights while makes you be in disadvantage when there i no mobility needed.

And making the high end content increasingly challenging and the gameplay increasingly complex, does not help the cause of leading increasing numbers of players to guides for meta and simulations.

There is very little content where mobility does not give an advantage.


Pet battles are a good example :wink:

when i said playerbase thats what i generally ment haha just my terrible wording

i know there are players who do want it / dont mind it.

I dont think the convenant system will be as bad as people think but i can see how this could be hugely impactful on the PuG community

It won’t be that bad just because they’ll nerf the covenant abilities/soulbinds/conduits to the ground. Which might be a good thing considering their balance ability.

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Yes that is good in terms of balance and at the same time ironic cause if something is made that weak it defeats the point of it having special gating as well :smiley:


The major problem in this concept when it comes to a mmorpg.

That they have a playerbase that all want a thousand different things, no idea is a bad idea in atleast a certain crowd of players among the wow population.

The forums represents like maybe a 10th of the playerbase on a good day.

Mmorpgs are generally never built in this way.

FFXIV gets continuous feedback on their lack of ultimate fights, not competitive enough, not enough raids.

But They never change this. Because it disagrees with their dream for the game.

ESO has tons of feedback with not enough content, not enough direction, wpvp problems and more

Yet they never change it because it disagrees with their dream of the game

GW2 gets feedback on no verticle progression and lack of raid progression

They never act on it as it disagrees with their dream of the game

No mmorpg abides by any of these rules realistically. Because the playerbase is too wide to appease with any change.

Mmorpgs are kinda a concept of the devs put work into the theme, feel, goals into a game fill it with what they are passionate about creating.

The playerbase judges it for what they get. And if it holds its niche the game survives.

I’m aware OSRS does do a player wide vote pool for their content releases. But they are very alone in that style of content releasing

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Well if an ability gives you up to 25 second of up to 15% damage reduction or damage buff and can be applied every 30 seconds, then what is the choice really ?

The fox ability is less relevant if you build conduits up.

The original vision of DK being slow hard-hitter that doesn’t need to run fast because they’re nerfing others to their level was conceived in Wrath when people as a rule were NOT monkeys on coffee overdose. Then you could get away with not very mobile melee design.

Now you cannot because everyone and their Light-damned pet has jumps, gap makers, teleports, rolls, or what have you. The monk’s mobility was a big mistake, but allowing it to persist and topping it (DHs) is worse, as they set the new standard of jumping around to be “norm” and it’s other characters that are slow. Which then makes necessary for them to try grabbing any mobility boosts they can. And then these necessities have to be balanced against performance boosts for Yoda-like monkeys. Problem 1 > problem 1 and 2 > problem 1, 2 and 3 because they couldn’t bother to fix problem 1…

They could fix that. Start by decreasing numbers of systems that you have to at least cursorily understand in order to do X. Say, here’s your character, class, spec, here are talents, here’s gear with stats, you have these abilities, have fun. No 1 expansion newest and most improved crap, no endless grind for hell knows what, no corruptions, no unintuitive trash like pvp scaling, just player and their character, their spells, their talents, their gear. That was more than enough to play and have fun before the dark times of pruning, endless grind, removal of several secondary stats instead of making them more intuitive. And before Mythic pretty much forced PvE players to go for mobile, cleaving AoE monsters if they didn’t want to raid. And in raids they also need to be mobile, cleaving AoE monsters as all difficulty seems to go in “move out of fire” or “interrupt this” or “don’t stand in place” direction. Curiously enough none of these bother melee much. Guess why caster dps are considered meh in M+?

Then there’s that “we want item level to be sign if it’s upgrade/not upgrade” and Haste being the god stat for most if not all specs in BFA because they’re so damn slow. And then they’re surprised people use sims?

As long as 3rd party mathematical models are required to find out if the new item is upgrade for you or not, the guides will be there, because hands up who can calculate the difference in their head. I’m good at math and I can’t keep up, too many variables, so I use Pawn.

As long as ActiBlizz keeps their “1 expack borrowed power” thing, sims will be used.

As long as you have systems on systems on systems to crunch out, sorry, this game will have guides. And we live in 2020, not 2004, the information is there, you need only to reach for it.

Again, shouldn’t make something they couldn’t balance, and they knew it. Wasted time? Wasted money? Wasted work hours? Hell yeah, ActiBlizz will take all 3!