still dont have it. what an awful event overall
I just switched realms and I got it Maybe you cant get it in RP realm?
I logged in and out on the same character in RP realm but nothing. When I switch I got it.
Or maybe you have to do the quest on the SW docks and play 1 game on the HS table first.
i just got it too . it’s like they’re handing it out one by one .lmao
Ok yeah I can confirm.
Update/download HS, log in, wait for the splash screens and all the rest of it yada yada yada, and then quit, logged into wow, open up my mounts and theres a white box and ribbon sat there for me
Its time to uninstall Hearthstone once again…
Players can try their hand at Hearthstone between March 11 and May 14 to earn the Fiery Hearthsteed mount* in World of Warcraft . Getting your hands on this unique flying mount is simple . . . and fun! New to Hearthstone ? You’ll need to progress past the tutorial to receive the mount. If you’re a regular patron of the inn, you only need to login to get the mount and add it to your World of Warcraft collection.
I downloaded HS. Didn’t play any games. clicked through all the pop ups. Logged out, logged on WoW and TADA!!!
I tried to give it another go. I really tried. But there are just too many variants at once and getting my butt handed to me because my cards are all rubbish. That’s just not fun.
On the plus side, I have it now. Maybe was just a bit slow.
A good opportunity to log back on retail and hearthstone too
I’m not getting a single popup ingame…
It felt nice uninstalling it again. May it stay that way for another 10 years
Also why is this is OUTSIDE Oggrimar and not inside?
Why is our faction so mistreated every single event?
So I’ve played some games of HS now and still didn’t get it while others got the mount for just logging in. What exactly does one have to do?
If you’ve passed the tutorial and logged into Hearthstone sometime during this event, you’ve done all you have to. If you get a popup about the horse in hearthstone you’ve got it for sure, but you don’t technically need to see it; I got the mount without.
You dont have to play any games, Complete the tutorial is the only requirement.
I found that! I tried to play some games anyway. I did enjoy Hearthstone when it very first came out but it has gotten far too complicated and overwhelming for me now. It’s sad because the campaigns look quite fun but I’m just hopeless at card games.
None of it was related to the mount. Its just telling me about the anniversary and something about packs and wolves and I didnt really pay atnn. Probably some blizzcon stuff too since its not a gane I play.
I can’t even find the location “in Durotar (outside Orgrimmar)” which is a huge place
- Found the location via Wowhead at location (53:15) where nothing usually happens and where Horde players most certainly never congregate
thanks Wowhead!
no loot because of lag/unable to hit boss … fix it we pay you - you are nothing without us (players)
Sat around for 2 hours not seeing a single spawn…
Fun event.