Upgrading items not working? (silvermoon)

Any item I try to put in it by clicking it from the inventory just says “Item cannot be upgraded”. All items are greyed out in the inventory and seem to not be eligible.

Trying to press the + button in the UI when talking to the NPC doesn’t do anything at all either.

Tried removing all addons, clearing cache etc. Nothing works.

edit: Turned on LUA errors to show and I’m getting a LUA error with no addons when talking to the upgrade NPC.

edit2: More people I asked at the NPC says it 's not working for them either:


I think the person I was talking to was on Twisting Nether so probably not realm specific.

I tried all the NPCs in Valdrakken and none of them wanted to help me, I don’t even get LUA errors just “item cannot be upgraded”… that’s the last time I tell dragon jokes in earshot of NPCs.

Here too. It changed for me within a minute after I was able to upgrade…

Update to this:

It seems the NPC has reverted to season 2 now? I can upgrade season 2 gear at the NPC, lmao.

This is the problem with dragon obsession with time travel! Time it was banned. :expressionless:

same issue. i tried to upgrade my old items and it didn’t work tho

Thank you for your reports. We’re working on a fix for the upgrade issue that will require realm restarts. We expect restarts to happen tonight for EU realms and tomorrow morning for US realms.

The maintenance has happened on EU servers, so please do feel free to try again. :slight_smile:

Thank you!

Are you sure about that? I am on Daggerspine and I can’t upgrade any season 3 gear. Tried to talk to Cuzolth in Emerald Dream, but he has no option to upgrade. Went to Valdrakken and talked to him there, but all my gear is greyed out. Can’t upgrade anything.

The upgrade NPC in Emerald Dream was moved to Valdraken in S4. That’s working as intended.

We are in S4, you can’t upgrade S3 gear any more.

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