User Interface and Quest Updates in The War Within™

There’s not enough space on a phone screen - usually phone UI’s are very compact, so it’s not phone design.
It’s also not TV design - TV would try to get out of the way to let you enjoy your content which, in this case, is the game world.
It’s also not desktop UI design - desktop UI design uses the precision of the cursor to its advantage, making a small UI.

This does approach into the realm of tablet design.

But WoW is not a tablet game and its UI should not look like the iOS lock screen.

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I have a relatively small desktop screen (21.5 inch) and the spellbook covers the screen almost completely. It is very inconvenient when it comes to dragging spells to action bars. It is especially inconvenient because we cannot even move it.

Lakes and oceans in my game are bright blue and some patches of grass in Elwynn Forest are the same. I’m sure its just a bug. Anybody else have this?

There are too many different icons now. I can’t really keep track of what means what.

The old UI was better. Sorry, I know you put alot of work into this, but it’s not good.


Can someone please explain whats going on with left clicking on the map now. If i left click Zaralek Cavern for eg. instead of showing me the map for it, it now puts some diamond tag on the bottom right of it, with no explanation as to what thats for (also does the same with the Great Vault in Valdrakkens Map)

Also why the hell change something so fundamental as left clicking, we now have to right click to achieve what a left click used. WTF?

Ishayo, we just can hope that the mighty Gods-of-the-addons may help and create something that restores the older version of this… nightmare. Blizzard won’t change it because they’re proud of it and there are indeed too many users that like it big and ugly and disrecpectful. (I’ve learned it in the last 14 years.) As for me: I do NOT need a full-screen map with 48 pt. fonts and 4-cm-icons!
Blizzard: Make this switchable like the edit mode in “classic” and “modern” to solve a big problem in an elegant way. Everyone will be satisfied and you can be proud of your “new design” furthermore.
Maybe implement a setting for the size of it in the accessibility section?


If I were in charge of such a project I wouldn’t even restore the older one.

I’d make a completely new one. All panels would have the same size and use the same toolkit and backgrounds. It would use the new controls and everything like that as well.

But this would result in a spellbook rather similar to the one we used to have, though not identical.

Thing is… I don’t really have time. It’s a lot of work.

Went to do Last Hurrah today and the new quest in progress icon hides the events so it’s impossible to tell when they’re next due to occur. When not on the quest you can see the timer when you mouse over the event icon.

The “local story” filter seems to do absolutely nothing.

Considering all the feedback it’s probably on the list to be looked at.

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