Veteran looking for horde guild for Classic

Hey guys.

I am looking for a social spot in a (pref. horde) raiding guild come Classic. I dont much care for which server, although I would prefer PvP or Normal servers. I play quite a lot , but my daily schedule is quite erratic and thus unsuited for fixed raid times. I would naturally like to attend when and if possible, but I also understand that I would be more of a social than a raider, and therefore would’nt expect anything in terms of raiding. However, I would like to have a guild that is social and semi-serious to do at least some leveling and ultimately 5/10/20 mans with.

I would like to play a warrior tank, mage or warlock preferably, whatever would suit the guild best. That is to say, I dont mind playing a caster if the guild is already quite full on tanks.

My raid experience is primarily tanking on my warrior, while I have also been dps’ing on various alts. I have more or less raided in every expansion, including vanilla, but most of my notable achievements, beside AOTCs, are from TBC, where I got Champion of the Naaru, Hand of A’dal, , and a few bosses in Sunwell. Moreover, I got most of the glory achievements in Wotlk, while they were current content, and CE:Will of the Emperor in MoP.

I am a very laid back guy, and I would like to think that I am good fun to have around. I like to help wherever/whenever I can be it with a quest,materials or a dungeon.

I hope someone finds me interesting, or else I hope you will have fun in Classic and I will see you all around Orgrimmar.

Hello Razormuk,
Pirates is a Horde Social Raiding Guild on Pyrewood. We are recruiting casuals and raiders for Classic and will happily accommodate you. For more information about Pirates, please visit our website at: www.pirateswow. co. uk

Hey Mate, we are a guild on the Shazzrah pvp server always available to social to enlarge our community we try to establish. Dependant on your needs you can also join the raiding team if you can make it 2 raids a week otherwise there will be loads of other server (dungeons, pvp, Wpvp etC).


We’re heavily recruiting raiding members as of today.
Planning on a 3 day raiding schedule once the appriopriate content releases!
If you’re still looking for a guild, poke me on discord! Qayran#1583

In case you’re interested :slight_smile:

Hi Razormuk

We may be suited to you, we do need casters and could fit a DPS warrior, but tanks are currently full.

I would love to chat further, feel free to join our discord if you feel the same!

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