[video] 536,870,912 mil damage a.k.a Blizzards broken design in a nutshell 🤣

It’s hard to say what they intended when they designed the corruption system as a legit part of the game.
If anything it’s a dev’s mistake or maybe they did it on purpose thinking that no one will actually make full DK groups and said “ahh F it, we’ll be fine” :laughing:

Oh ye? How about you share your own picture and we judge you for what you are :slight_smile:
His actually more rational than most of EU and US forums so I will link his videos more often now. kthxbyee :upside_down_face:


I dislike his personality. Whether it’s for show or not does not matter, I dislike the way he presents himself. Also I dislike his cult following, or general the entire cult following around all of the youtubers / streamers.

Whether it’s preach who says that hunters will be the worst when they’re in fact the best and people regurgitating it.

Whether it’s Bellular, Tallasian, Evitel (honestly not sure if I’ve spelled any of those correct) sharing their “theories” and acting as if they’re facts.

All those WoW E-Celebs have weird followings that believe every single word they say is a fact, their opinion is the only correct one, and that their beliefs are what everybodies beliefs should be.

Said followers of said Youtubers also seem to lose the capability to think or test things for themselves, which is again kind of obnoxious.

And well, Asmongold has one of the largest followings of that sort. Also his content where he insults his own fans or people who are taking part of his competitions is just kind of not the stuff I’m looking for, when looking for either entertainment or information.

That’s why I dislike his videos and am genuinely not interested in anything he puts out there.

I feel like many people think similarly.


He is still pretty toxic, he haven’t changed one single bit and he ravels in his toxicity and he actively fosters that toxicity within his fanbase.
Only when someone he knew dies from said toxicity(Reck) he starts to ask himself why everyone so toxic, just to continue being toxic as he was the next day after that, business as usual.

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So, basically, that mofo just used an exploit ?..

Time for the banhammer ?

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No, banhammer is only if you use an exploit to gain unfair advantage. And honestly noone knows if the aura is supposed to stack that way.

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I think nobody knows how the game is supposed to work these days.


He discovered it. Or well rextroy did and he discovered how far you can take it. I mean rextroys clip is out since a while now and blizzard didnt bother to fix it (if its a bug. Possibly not since the cd etc goes back to normal the moment you get away from the DK).

And tbh whenever he makes ion look like a massive beep im all in for it (yes im biased against ion)

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Nope only boomers think this way.

Nothing personal against him, he’s just a streamer. I dislike all streamers. Get a real job.


I know the meme is dead but…
Ok boomer.


whatever, this is fun.
and it’s tail end of this god awful expansion, let the fun last for few days at least.
what else you gunna do? grind the same crappy quests for the hundreth time?!

or better yet, don’t nerf this and record this 40 dk multiboxer make use of this XD

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I don’t think you need to worry about having a full raid group of DK’s in your BG.

Well this will obviously get fixed. But fair play for them enjoying it while they can. Gotta wonder how that got through big testing though?!

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Blizzard treats live servers as playgrounds.
It won’t get fixed, it will remain this way until pre-patch where corruptions will be removed and a lot of scaling changes will occur.

Horses have big teeth, Asmon’s issue is his teeth are falling out, your insult makes no sense. Stop blindly hating on someone, it’s weird.

I don’t really know much about him and never watch his stuff I just went to his channel once and it was all ASMONGOLD REACTS TO and him making some stupid face and I was just like “don’t recommend this channel again” so I’m not going to make much of a judgement other than “hard pass” on his content.


Not everyone likes streamers/youtubers spamming reaction videos / clickbaits / tinfoil hat theories and other useless stuff.


Check back his first videos. He was the number 1 toxic people who basically daily qq everyday how blizzard is… (insert any insult to …)

So yeah, lots of people hate him, even tho he is trying to be a “better” guy.

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Given the fact that there’s quite a few literal boomers, as well as many people that’d fit your description of boomer, the “nope” is just wrong.

Because many people would still stay correct, even if it were only boomers.

Then again, I believe you’re feeling attacked because I don’t like your e-wife. Don’t be, it’s alright for different people to have different opinions. And I’m sure you’re a beautiful person somewhere deep inside, a relatively slim chance exists that on the outside as well, even if our taste in entertainment differs.


let me think quick.

constantly 60k people watching asmon or 20 boomer people in forums hating his personality hmm


Hmmm… Let me think…

He’s a massive hypocrite.
He decided it’d be a good and funny idea to humiliate another streamer, then try to hide that by deleting every clip possible.
He is pro-censorship against things that suit him.

Need any other reason?