Hello, Violent Circus has opened recruitment once more. We are in need of ranged dps and healers mostly. High demand for mages/warlocks and a holy paladin, but all skilled players will be considered. Apply at violentcircus.eu or whisper me instead if interested (Nephthys#1635 Discord : Xethi#7709).
Still looking :)
Hello there. You guys sound like a great bunch. I have a Hunter which is almost upto par. He's about 900 Ilevel atm or I have this char. I've raided all content bar trial of valour pre curve this expansion thus far (TOS ex ) on either this char or my Hunter. I have cleared all raid content when it was current from WOTLK until now. If needed I also have a Rogue and Druid at 110 but they need alot of work yet.
Still looking for a few ranged :)
Looking for mage/lock and a healer.
updated progress
As the summer days are making our guild chat a bit too quiet, Violent Circus is recruiting a few social ranks. As a social you will have the possibility to join our farm raids, m+ runs and have a laugh with us on discord or gchat. Please contact me for more information :) battlenet : Nephthys#1635 or Discord: Xethi#7709
Violent Circus is officially closing the recruitment for now and no applicant will be considered at this moment. Things might change in the future, I will post here when that will be the case.
updated progress
Recruitment opened for 1 healer, preferably holy paladin. Contact me if interested (info in the recruitment post)
Still looking for some healers, do not hesitate to contact me if you are unsure about applying.
Violent Circus has closed all recruitment, for now. I will post here when the situation will change.
updated progress
Killed our 7th boss in mythic ToS after 38 pulls or so. Recruitment opened for competent healers. If you are unsure if we are what you are looking for, add me in game or on discord and we can have a chat. (battlenet : Nephthys#1635 or Discord: Xethi#7709)
As we are approaching the end of this raiding tier and the inevitable demise of KJ, our guild is in need of a solid holy paladin. Please read the guild description above or check us out on wowprogress (https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/eu/defias-brotherhood/Violent+Circus) and contact me if interested.
Still looking for healers :)
Now recruiting a ranged dps, preferably a skilled shadowpriest. Add me, Nephthys#1635 for a chat if interested.
Still looking for a ranged dps to call our own!
Still need a healer? (not sure if I qualify..)
28/10/2017 08:22Posted by MorrigaenStill need a healer? (not sure if I qualify..)
PM me in game or add me on battlenet(discord) , info in the recruitment post :)