<Violent Circus> 7/8 Uldir (M)-2 days/week

We are looking for a resto druid and a rogue for BfA. You can contact any officer ingame or visit our website violentcircus.eu!
Still looking for a skilled rogue to join our raiding team in Bfa.
Due to the fact one of our tanks decided to adopt more offensive ways in BfA and play a dps class instead, Violent Circus is looking for a quality tank for the next expansion. Current gear is irrelevant but you need to have understadning for mythic raiding and how important your role as a tank is; have experience and love for tanking. If you wish to join our amazing community of players, please apply at violentcircus.eu or add me on battlenet: Nephthys#1635 or Discord : Xethi#7709.
Looking for a resto druid/resto shaman for Bfa.
Violent Circus is looking for more players for Bfa. In high demand of a rogue and a healer. If you want to join our amazing community of players, add me (info above) for a chat :)
Hello there. Violent Circus is looking for a skilled resto druid to aid our otherwise full raiding team in the upcoming Bfa adventures. If interested, please add me (info above) for a chat :)
Hello. Violent Circus is looking for ranged dps and particularly for a competent warlock to join our ranks. If interested, please apply on violentcircus.eu or contact me battlenet: Nephthys#1635 or discord: Xethi#7709

Still looking for an exceptional warlock and/or mage for G'huun progression. You can apply on violentcircus.eu!

Hello again, our guild is still looking for ranged dps for the last mythic boss of this tier and for further mythic challenges, and particularly looking for a warlock. Contact me for a chat if you are unsure about applying or if you want to know more about who we are, info in the original post above.