VoH Sundays at the Crossroads (Sharding)

Hello folks!

As you’re probably aware, Orgrimmar and Stormwind are currently subject to sharding until June 14th due to the Diablo promo event. Which unfortunetly means casual RP can’t really happen as normal in those cities until the events passed (unless by the grace of the Titans everyone happened to be placed in the same shard at the same time).

With the Valley of Honor Social Sundays being such a big success, I propose that rather than take a 3 week break from our weekly dose of Horde RP until the events over, we move Social Sundays to the Crossroads instead!

The Crossroads is a growing hub for casual Horde RP and a really nice settlement to do it in. Its got the ‘old school Horde’ vibes and a great RP commumity already taking root there. I say we use this sharding fiasco as an oppertunity to help Horde RP continue to grow.

So if you enjoy the Casual RP in the Valley of Honor on a Sunday, I suggest this Sunday you instead head to the Crossroads and check it out. Who knows who you could run into!


As a result of this, The Rainblossom Brewhouse is moving the usual sunday opening to The Crossroads rather than opening in Orgrimmar


I’m so happy to hear this guys! I’d love to see social sundays in the Crossroads - more RP there is always welcomed and it gives folks a place to go and meet people and enjoy some different scenery!

Thank you so much for your suggestion and supportive words! I hope to see you there and also Leejing’s awesome noodles! :smiley:

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Good luck with the endeavour my dudes!


Due to Phasing still being a problem, we’re still hosting Social Sunday today, 18th of June, in the Crossroads in Kalimdor rather than Orgrimmar.


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