Void elfs need alleria's hair colour

A lot of horde races also dont have the hairstyle or gear of their leader , its just how it is , thats what make the race leaders unique and not some random “champion” running around

Feel free to ask Jainas haircolor if you want! It would look nice also on belves i am sure. Asking certain haircolor surely doesn’t mean getting everything that NPC has, except on slippery slope arguments but this is not one of those, right?

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You are not no ,but he has a habit of it in other threads with me thats why he is on ignore now . He trolls every chance he gets and constantly tells others to report people he is a bully and a troll .

My comment was not aimed at you but i see there is no point debateing with you either as you seem more intrested in picking fault with me than my points .

I always suspected that haircolor makes horde leaders unique but didn’t expect horde to admit so. :wink:


I’m not bullying you and I’m not victimizing you at all I’m just telling you that as players we are not really entitled to have everything our faction leaders have.

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Yeah but alliance leaders have other stuff too than just the haircolor. :joy:

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Void elves are already getting more than enough that they’re basically a lookalike of blood elves , it should stay as it is. They gave that up and now people are asking for more , this is the problem , you give them something and they always want more.

There it is with blood elves again. I am starting to suspect that real reason people are so against this is that horde is worried that unique pretty blood elves are only reason cutting edge players are on horde and actually letting void elves have another haircolor would severaly cripple the horde CE populus when hordes of horde would gallop to roll void elves leaving Orgrimmar nothing but a wasteland of 3 orcs and one hairy troll twink.


Nope not particularly , but we dont have the same customisation as humans , dwarves , night elves etc , do we ? Why would void elves get everything blood elves have ?

Point being that each race and faction have their own thing , and that’s how it should be , stop trying to get copies of each other.

How very dare you, my troll is not so hairy, she showers and shaves on a regular basis - well she takes a dip in the sea and that’s it, but still I must take up arms and rebel at such scurrilous accusations :wink:


I was talking about my troll! Alltough her twink days are far behind but she likes to still be considered as one.


But that heel toe

Under the arms i hope ! :stuck_out_tongue:

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We do share lot of haircolors and some hairstyles have been made cross race ones actually.

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The one thing I hate about trolls :frowning:

We do not discuss troll rituals with Alliance, please do not abuse our sacred rites by asking for this information.

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Exactly ! Its enough already , there has to be a certain line that makes the difference between the two factions , otherwise you might as well just remove factions because there is no difference anymore , blood elves are already void elves in SL because of the skin color , you’ll only see the difference because of the hairstyle , isnt that enough ?

haha, christ

you’re probably not wrong though. but i guess that’s more if they removed belves entirely. my horde raiding experience has been a gabillion belves with a few others.


So your argument is that Allerias haircolor is the certain line that separates horde and alliance? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I just did the woman in the gif and spat my drink thank you for hearty chuckle :slight_smile:

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It would clearly mean the collapse of the Horde :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


No… The fact the last thing that differs from blood elves and void elves is the hairstyle and hair colors and it should be kept as it is.